Judicial Analysis on Qualification for international Protection - second edition
Directive 2011/95/EU
This judicial analysis is primarily intended for use by members of courts and tribunals of EU Member States whose work concerns hearing appeals or conducting reviews of decisions on applications for international protection.
საერთაშორისო დაცვის უფლების მქონე პირად კვალიფიცირება პრეცედენტული სამართლის ანალიზი (მეორე გამოცემა)
Directive 2011/95/EU
პრეცედენტული სამართლის წინამდებარე ანალიზის ეხება საერთაშორისო დაცვის უფლების მქონე პირად კვალიფიცირებას # 2011/95/EU დირექტივის (QD (ახალი რედაქციით)) მიხედვით
Country Guidance: Somalia
June 2022
This country guidance document provides an in-depth analysis of the situation in Somalia, focussing on the key elements of qualification for international protection.
Rapid response by EU+ countries to address the needs of displaced people from Ukraine
Rapid response by EU+ countries to address the needs of displaced people from Ukraine, Situational Update No 10
This report presents the latest developments on emergency measures taken by asylum and reception authorities in EU+ countries to manage the influx of people from Ukraine.
Rapid response by EU+ countries to address the needs of displaced people from Ukraine
Rapid response by EU+ countries to address the needs of displaced people from Ukraine, Situational Update No 9
This report presents the latest developments on emergency measures taken by asylum and reception authorities in EU+ countries to manage the influx of people from Ukraine.
Judicial analysis on Qualification for international protection
Directive 2011/95/EU
This judicial analysis provides a general introduction setting out the objectives and structure of the analysis, an overview of the rules of interpretation of the recast Qualification Directive (QD (recast)) and a presentation of applications for international protection and the limited scope for
Judicial analysis on Article 15(c) Qualification Directive
Directive 2011/95/EU
The judicial analysis of Article 15(c) QD (recast) is a helpful tool for the understanding of protection issues for courts and tribunals dealing with international protection cases.