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Turvapaikkaviraston koulutustuki Ukrainassa käytävän sodasta johdosta

The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine


Podpora agencije EUAA za usposabljanje v okoliščinah vojne v Ukrajini

The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine


Supporto alla formazione dell’Agenzia EUAA nel contesto della guerra in Ucraina

The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine

Wsparcie szkoleniowe AUEA w kontekście wojny w Ukrainie

The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine


Dispositif de formation de l’AUEA dans le contexte de la guerre en Ukraine

The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine


Подкрепа на EUAA за обучение в контекста на войната в Украйна

The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine


EUAA:s utbildningsstöd i samband med kriget i Ukraina

The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine
