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Schutzbedürftigkeit im Rahmen von Anträgen auf internationalen Schutz - Richterliche Analyse

Die richterliche Analyse ist in erster Linie als zweckdienliche Orientierungshilfe für die Mitglieder der Gerichte der EU+-Länder bestimmt, die sich mit Rechtsbehelfsverfahren befassen oder Entscheidungen über Anträge auf internationalen Schutz von schutzbedürftigen Personen überprüfen.


Δικαστική ανάλυση - Υποδοχή αιτούντων διεθνή προστασία

(Οδηγία για τις συνθήκες υποδοχής 2013/33/EE)

The judicial analysis is primarily intended for members of courts and tribunals of EU Member States concerned with hearing appeals or reviewing decisions on issues pertaining to the reception of applicants for international protection.


Teisinė analizė - Tarptautinės apsaugos prašytojų priėmimas

(Priėmimo sąlygų direktyva 2013/33/ES)

The judicial analysis is primarily intended for members of courts and tribunals of EU Member States concerned with hearing appeals or reviewing decisions on issues pertaining to the reception of applicants for international protection.


Judicial analysis on Reception

The judicial analysis is primarily intended for members of courts and tribunals of EU Member States concerned with hearing appeals or reviewing decisions on issues pertaining to the reception of applicants for international protection.


Tiesiskā analīze - Starptautiskās aizsardzības pieteikuma iesniedzēju uzņemšana

(Uzņemšanas nosacījumu direktīva 2013/33/ES)

The judicial analysis is primarily intended for members of courts and tribunals of EU Member States concerned with hearing appeals or reviewing decisions on issues pertaining to the reception of applicants for international protection.


Análisis judicial - Acogida de los solicitantes de protección internacional

(Directiva 2013/33/UE, relativa a las condiciones de acogida)

The judicial analysis is primarily intended for members of courts and tribunals of EU Member States concerned with hearing appeals or reviewing decisions on issues pertaining to the reception of applicants for international protection.


Analiza sądowa - Przyjmowanie osób ubiegających się o udzielenie ochrony międzynarodowej

(dyrektywa w sprawie warunków przyjmowania (2013/33/UE))

The judicial analysis is primarily intended for members of courts and tribunals of EU Member States concerned with hearing appeals or reviewing decisions on issues pertaining to the reception of applicants for international protection.


Analyse juridique — Accueil des demandeurs de protection internationale

(Directive relative aux conditions d’accueil 2013/33/UE)

The judicial analysis is primarily intended for members of courts and tribunals of EU Member States concerned with hearing appeals or reviewing decisions on issues pertaining to the reception of applicants for international protection.
