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Apmācības kvalitātes nodrošināšanas ietvarstruktūra

The publication describes the EUAA Training Quality Assurance Framework as endorsed by the Decision of the Executive Director number 059/2022.


Marco de Garantía de la Calidad en la Formación

The publication describes the EUAA Training Quality Assurance Framework as endorsed by the Decision of the Executive Director number 059/2022.


Kódex správania pre účastníkov činností odbornej prípravy 

Code of Conduct for participants in EUAA training activities


Codice di condotta per i partecipanti alle attività di formazione 

Code of Conduct for participants in EUAA training activities


Quadro de garantia da qualidade da formação

The publication describes the EUAA Training Quality Assurance Framework as endorsed by the Decision of the Executive Director number 059/2022.


Okvir osiguranja kvalitete osposobljavanja

The publication describes the EUAA Training Quality Assurance Framework as endorsed by the Decision of the Executive Director number 059/2022.


Referenceramme for kvalitetssikring af uddannelse

The publication describes the EUAA Training Quality Assurance Framework as endorsed by the Decision of the Executive Director number 059/2022.
