Guidelines on the EU approach to community sponsorship
These guidelines aim to establish minimum quality standards for the different phases of community sponsorship across the European Union. They are primarily intended for Member States’ officials involved in the design, development or implementation of community sponsorship schemes.
Guidance on Mental Health and Well-being of Applicants for International Protection: Part I – for senior management
Part I – for senior management
This part provides guidance to national authorities on how to set the framework to shape an asylum system informed by mental health and well-being considerations. This is the first of three standalone but complementary and interlinked parts. The other parts can be accessed here:
Practical Guide on applicants with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and sex characteristics — Information note
Information note
It intends to help professionals working in the field of asylum in enhancing their awareness and skills regarding key terms and concepts relating to SOGIESC.
Practical Guide on applicants with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and sex characteristics — Reception
It provides guidance and practical recommendations on the design and management of reception systems and the provision of reception conditions taking into account the specific needs of LGBTIQ applicants.
Jurisprudence on Material Reception Conditions in Asylum - Sanctions, Reductions and Withdrawals
Analysis of Case Law from 2019-2024
The report provides comparative information on how national administrations and courts of EU+ countries implement the provisions of the Reception Conditions Directive related to reducing or withdrawing material reception conditions.
Roadmap for Cooperation between the EUAA and Albania (October 2024 – September 2027)
Strengthening the asylum and reception systems in line with the Common European Asylum System and EU standards
This is 2nd Roadmap for Cooperation between the EUAA and Albania. Main objective: strengthening the asylum and reception systems in line with the Common European Asylum System and EU standards.
Asylum Authorities
Who is Who in International Protection in the EU+, Issue No 1
The first report in the series maps the role of national authorities who are responsible to different steps of asylum and reception systems. The report is accompanied by an interactive data visualisation.
Policymaking Authorities
Who is Who in International Protection in the EU+, Issue No 2
The report maps out policymaking authorities involved in international protection in each EU+ country.