Practical Guide on Evidence and Risk Assessment
This guide provides a comprehensive methodology and core guidance to the case officer on the three steps of the evidence and risk assessment:
Judicial analysis on evidence and credibility in the context of the Common European Asylum System
This judicial analysis provides an overview of the EU legal framework and jurisprudence that pertains to evidence and credibility assessment.
Quality Matrix Synthesis Report on Personal Interview, Evidence Assessment and Qualification
The report gives an overview practices of EU+ countries’ asylum administrations related to the personal interview, evidence assessment and qualification, focusing on overall trends.
Study on Language Assessment for Determination of Origin of Applicants for International Protection - Executive summary
The executive summary of this feasibility study and cost assessment describes options for the EUAA to provide assistance for EU+ countries in the field of language assessment for determining the country of origin of applicants for international protection.
Practical guide: Evidence assessment
This guide is designed in a similar way to the Practical guide: Personal interview. It is intended to provide support for the daily work of case officers and addresses the challenging tasks related to evidence assessment: gathering information, credibility assessment, risk assessment.