
Animacja EUAA na temat pierwszej pomocy psychologicznej jako narzędzie zwiększania świadomości

Instrukcje dla specjalistów – jak korzystać z animacji podczas szkolenia z pierwszej pomocy psychologicznej

These instructions support psychological first aid (PFA) providers in creating awareness on the concept of PFA in first line officers interested in the topic, new recruits and volunteers using the EUAA animation on PFA.


De EUAA-animatie over psychologische eerste hulp als bewustmakingsinstrument

Instructies voor professionals die de animatie gebruiken om voorlichting te geven over PEH

These instructions support psychological first aid (PFA) providers in creating awareness on the concept of PFA in first line officers interested in the topic, new recruits and volunteers using the EUAA animation on PFA.


L-Animazzjoni tal-EUAA dwar l-Ewwel Għajnuna Psikoloġika bħala Għodda ta’ Sensibilizzazzjoni

Struzzjonijiet għall-professjonisti dwar kif jużaw l-animazzjoni biex jedukaw dwar il-kunċett tal-PFA

These instructions support psychological first aid (PFA) providers in creating awareness on the concept of PFA in first line officers interested in the topic, new recruits and volunteers using the EUAA animation on PFA.


EUAA Animācija par pirmo psiholoģisko palīdzību (PFA) kā izpratnes veicināšanas rīku

Norādījumi profesionāļiem par to, kā izmantot animāciju, lai izglītotu par PFA koncepciju

These instructions support psychological first aid (PFA) providers in creating awareness on the concept of PFA in first line officers interested in the topic, new recruits and volunteers using the EUAA animation on PFA.


EUAA animacinis filmukas apie pirmąją psichologinę pagalbą kaip priemonė informuotumui didinti

Instrukcijos specialistams, kaip naudoti animacinį filmuką mokant teikti PPP

These instructions support psychological first aid (PFA) providers in creating awareness on the concept of PFA in first line officers interested in the topic, new recruits and volunteers using the EUAA animation on PFA.


Анимационният клип на EUAA относно първата психологическа помощ (ППП) като инструмент за повишаване на осведомеността

Инструкции за професионалисти как да използват анимационния клип за обучение по концепцията за ППП

These instructions support psychological first aid (PFA) providers in creating awareness on the concept of PFA in first line officers interested in the topic, new recruits and volunteers using the EUAA animation on PFA.


Az EUAA pszichológiai elsősegélyről szóló kisfilmje mint figyelemfelhívó eszköz

Útmutató szakemberek számára a kisfilm pszichológiai elsősegéllyel kapcsolatos tájékoztatás céljából való felhasználására vonatkozóan

These instructions support psychological first aid (PFA) providers in creating awareness on the concept of PFA in first line officers interested in the topic, new recruits and volunteers using the EUAA animation on PFA.


Animacija EUAA-e o psihološkoj prvoj pomoći kao alat za razvoj svijesti

Upute za stručnjake o korištenju animacije za obuku o konceptu psihološke prve pomoći

These instructions support psychological first aid (PFA) providers in creating awareness on the concept of PFA in first line officers interested in the topic, new recruits and volunteers using the EUAA animation on PFA.
