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EASO Ghid privind apartenența la un anumit grup social

This practical tool aims to support Member States in applying the concept of membership of particular social group (MPSG) as one of the 1951 Geneva Convention grounds of persecution in the examination process of applications for international protection.


Análisis judicial - Acogida de los solicitantes de protección internacional

(Directiva 2013/33/UE, relativa a las condiciones de acogida)

The judicial analysis is primarily intended for members of courts and tribunals of EU Member States concerned with hearing appeals or reviewing decisions on issues pertaining to the reception of applicants for international protection.


Analiza sądowa - Przyjmowanie osób ubiegających się o udzielenie ochrony międzynarodowej

(dyrektywa w sprawie warunków przyjmowania (2013/33/UE))

The judicial analysis is primarily intended for members of courts and tribunals of EU Member States concerned with hearing appeals or reviewing decisions on issues pertaining to the reception of applicants for international protection.


COI Report: Syria - Internally displaced persons, returnees and internal mobility (April 2020)

This report discusses the situation of IDPs in Syria, the underlying factors and general patterns of displacement, the situation of returnees, the procedures and obstacles for returning

Orientações sobre o procedimento de Dublim

normas operacionais e indicadores
