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Apmācības kvalitātes nodrošināšanas ietvarstruktūra

The publication describes the EUAA Training Quality Assurance Framework as endorsed by the Decision of the Executive Director number 059/2022.

Metoda e shkarkimeve

Marco de Garantía de la Calidad en la Formación

The publication describes the EUAA Training Quality Assurance Framework as endorsed by the Decision of the Executive Director number 059/2022.

Metoda e shkarkimeve

Kódex správania pre účastníkov činností odbornej prípravy 

Code of Conduct for participants in EUAA training activities

Metoda e shkarkimeve

Codice di condotta per i partecipanti alle attività di formazione 

Code of Conduct for participants in EUAA training activities

Metoda e shkarkimeve

Quadro de garantia da qualidade da formação

The publication describes the EUAA Training Quality Assurance Framework as endorsed by the Decision of the Executive Director number 059/2022.

Metoda e shkarkimeve

Okvir osiguranja kvalitete osposobljavanja

The publication describes the EUAA Training Quality Assurance Framework as endorsed by the Decision of the Executive Director number 059/2022.

Metoda e shkarkimeve

Referenceramme for kvalitetssikring af uddannelse

The publication describes the EUAA Training Quality Assurance Framework as endorsed by the Decision of the Executive Director number 059/2022.

Metoda e shkarkimeve