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Menşe ülke bilgilerinin vaka görevlileri tarafından sığınma

başvurularının incelenmesinde kullanılmasına ilişkin uygulama kılavuzu


Poradnik praktyczny dotyczący wykorzystywania informacji o krajach pochodzenia

przez urzędników prowadzących postępowania w sprawach wniosków o udzielenie azylu


EASO Praktiskā rokasgrāmata par izcelsmes valsts informācijas

izmantošanu ierēdņiem, kuri izskata starptautiskās aizsardzības pieteikumus, patvēruma pieteikumu izskatīšanai

This practical tool provides guidance to case officers on the practical use of country of origin information (COI) at different stages of the asylum procedure when preparing and conducting the personal interview and when carrying out the credibility assessment and the risk assessment of the appli


Практичен водич за употреба на информации за земјата на потекло

од надлежните службеници за разгледување на барања за азил


COI Report: Pakistan - Security situation (October 2020)

EASO Pakistan Security situation - Country of Origin Information Report

This report on the security situation provides details on conflict dynamics, territorial control/influence, and (armed) actors at general and regional level.