EUAA Asylum and Reception Operational Response Catalogue

The EUAA Asylum and Reception Operational Response Catalogue represents a non-binding framework that aims to increase awareness among Member States on the different types of operational support interventions offered by EUAA and serves, together with needs assessments, as a foundation to the design of Operational Plans.


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  1. Outline the potential operational interventions in support of Member States’ asylum and reception systems;
  2. Facilitate the consultation process between Members States and EUAA on operational and technical assistance by creating a common understanding of EUAA’s interventions;
  3. Assist Members States in identifying specific operational support interventions suitable to their particular needs;
  4. Increase effectiveness, efficiency, and coherence of EUAA’s operational support to Member States by harmonising operational interventions.


The Catalogue includes 8 chapters and 36 interventions.

The Catalogue groups potential EUAA operational interventions according to their focus on governance, strategic planning, frontline operational support, vulnerability, etc. rather than along the lines of asylum and reception focus.  

As the operational support offered by the EUAA will evolve, additional operational interventions might be added to the Catalogue, including but not limited to transport and medical assistance.

36 Interventions

Each operational intervention is presented in general and schematic terms including an overall description, its intended results and main deliverables, proposed activities and main EUAA resources such as human resources and services contracted. Where relevant, EUAA tools available to the Member States are also referenced.

The Catalogue represents an effort to break down, organise and present operational interventions which are implemented in complex and diverse environments, and thus can differ in scope and scale. Therefore, the interventions described in the Catalogue can be combined, adapted, and adjusted according to a Member State’s particular context, asylum and reception systems, and needs. Interventions are often interlinked and the main potential synergies between interventions are often highlighted throughout the document.


Use of the Catalogue: 

The Operational Response Catalogue does not intend to replace the EUAA Project Cycle Management methodology, and notably the practice of conducting needs assessments, but rather to complement it.