At the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA), we support Member States by providing legal, technical, advisory and operational assistance to ensure that any person applying for international protection receives fair and equal treatment throughout the EU. The assistance takes many formats and one of the core tools available is the European Asylum Curriculum.
This vocational training curriculum has been specifically designed for asylum, reception and other officials working in Member States and associated countries that have the relevant arrangements in place. Within the framework of an external cooperation strategy, the European Asylum Curriculum is one of the capacity building tools supporting non-EU countries’ national asylum and reception administrations. Its aim is to help learners achieve a common understanding of EU and international standards in the field by equipping them with the skills needed to ensure fast and fair procedures.
The curriculum training modules also form the basis for training delivered in an operational context that prepares national administrations to implement their obligations under the Common European Asylum System or to effectively manage disproportionate pressure from migratory flows. By providing common vocational training, the EUAA strives to bring greater conformity to national asylum and reception practices.
In this training catalogue, you will find a comprehensive summary of all the training modules and the languages they are available in. It also includes essential information on each module, such as the target learners, duration, learning outcomes, overview and aim.
The EUAA is introducing voluntary assessments as a first step toward being able to offer specific qualifications for practitioners working in the field of asylum and reception. Successfully passing the assessments demonstrates that a learner has achieved the intended learning outcomes and gives their employer the confidence that their officials have the knowledge and skills which will prepare them to implement the Common European Asylum System in Member States. You will find information on the assessment strategy on the pages of training modules for which assessments are already available.
I wish you every success in your studies!
Rachelle Cortis
Head of the EUAA Training and Professional Development Centre