Home Training Catalogue Country of origin modules Table of Contents Introduction - European Asylum Curriculum Introduction to the European Asylum Curriculum New Pact training The asylum procedure in the pact on migration and asylum The new asylum and migration management regulation (AMMR) The Reception Conditions Directive in the pact on migration and asylum Vulnerability in the pact on migration and asylum Foundation modules Introduction to communication for asylum and reception practitioners Introduction to ethical and professional standards Introduction to the legal framework on fundamental rights & international protection in the EU Introduction to vulnerability Professional well-being Introductory modules Interpreting in the asylum context Working with an interpreter Core modules Asylum Interview Method Evidence assessment Inclusion Trainer's path Becoming an EUAA trainer and assessor Introduction to coaching Public speaking and persuasive communication Advanced core modules Inclusion - advanced Country of origin modules Introduction to country of origin information Country of origin information - Advanced Medical country of origin information Dublin modules Dublin III Regulation Identification of potential Dublin cases Exclusion modules Application of exclusion clauses to persons undeserving of international protection End of protection Identification of potential exclusion cases Modules for managers Management in the asylum context Management in the reception context Reception Training modules Introduction to reception Introduction to psychosocial support and guidance in reception Interpreting in the reception context Conflict management and mediation in reception (Level A) Health, safety and security in reception Reception Reception of vulnerable persons: identification of vulnerability and provision of initial support (Block A) Reception of vulnerable persons: needs assessment and design of interventions (Block B) Tailor made training The Assessment of Reception Conditions (ARC) tool in practice Registration Access to the asylum procedure: Making an application for international protection Registration: Lodging an application for international protection Resettlement Tailor-made training Monitoring and evaluation of resettlement and humanitarian admission programs Training modules Resettlement Introduction to complementary pathways Introduction to resettlement and humanitarian admission Selection phase in the context of resettlement and humanitarian admission Vulnerability Applicants with diverse SOGIESC Children in the asylum process Interviewing vulnerable persons Interviewing children Gender, gender identity and sexual orientation Trafficking in human beings Victims of gender based violence Communication and information provision Training modules Introduction to communication for asylum and reception practitioners Tailor-made training Communication through digital channels Communication in emergencies Designing a communication and information provision strategy Information and communication needs assessment Rumours management Qualification for international protection Tailor made training Slavery and severe human exploitation as persecution Statelessness and inclusion in international protection Training modules Asylum interview method Evidence assessment Inclusion Inclusion - advanced Interviewing children Interviewing vulnerable persons Orientation course Orientation for learners Citation Please cite as: EUAA, 'Country of origin modules' in Training Catalogue, August 2022. Copy Share Print The European Asylum Curriculum offers 2 modules at Country of origin level, namely: Country of origin information Medical country of origin information Book traversal links for Country of origin modules Previous Parent Next