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Annual Training Report 2021 Executive Summary

This executive summary of the EUAA Annual Training Report provides information about EUAA training activities implemented during 2021


Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Mali

Country of Origin Information Report on Mali

The report provides background information and mapping of FGM/C practices and trends at national and regional level in Mali.


Analysis of Measures to Provide Protection to Displaced Persons from Ukraine: Situational Report

The report takes stock of the first 100 days of the war in Ukraine and how EU+ countries responded to the protection needs of displaced persons during the period 24 February to 3 June 2022.


Roadmap for Cooperation between the EUAA and PMM

Strengthening the asylum and reception systems in line with the Common European Asylum System and EU standard


Analysis on Asylum and Temporary Protection in the EU+ in the Context of the Ukraine Crisis

Week 25 (20 – 26 June) 2022

This report provides an overview of the asylum applications and temporary protection by Ukrainian nationals in the EU+
