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Analysis on Asylum and Temporary Protection in the EU+ in the Context of the Ukraine Crisis

Week 38 (19 – 25 September) 2022

This public report provides an overview of the asylum applications and temporary protection by Ukrainian nationals in the EU+


Syria: Security Situation

This report examines the nature of armed conflicts taking place in Syria, the nature of the violence and presence of armed actors in different areas, and the impact on civilians, for example in terms of casualties/fatalities and conflict-linked displacement.


Syria - Targeting of individuals

This report addresses topics related to the targeting of individuals by different armed actors operating in Syria, including the Government of Syria, the Syrian Democratic Forces, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, the Syrian National Army, and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant among others.


Multi-annual programming 2023-2025, Work Programme 2023

Single Programming Document 2023-2025

The Agency's three year rolling plan (single programming document) for the period 2023 - 2025, with the 2023 Work Programme.


Multi-annual programming 2022-2024, Work Programme 2022, revision 2

Single Programming Document 2022-2024

The SPD is the Agency's three year rolling plan, including the Work Programme for 2022. The plan is being revised for a second time, to reflect the Agency's response to the Ukraine crisis and any other necessary changes.


Analysis on Asylum and Temporary Protection in the EU+ in the Context of the Ukraine Crisis

Week 37 (12 – 18 September) 2022

This public report provides an overview of the asylum applications and temporary protection by Ukrainian nationals in the EU+


Data analysis of decisions on asylum applications in appeal or review in 2021

Fact Sheet No 12

The fact sheet presents an analysis of trends in decisions taken on asylum applications at second or higher instances.


Key socio-economic indicators in Afghanistan and in Kabul city

This report provides background information on Afghanistan, an overview of key socio-economic indicators for Afghanistan and Kabul City, child specific issues, networks of support and mobility and travel in the country.
