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Catálogo de seminarios judiciales de la EUAA

This catalogue details the EUAA judicial workshops for judicial practitioners in the field of international protection on a variety of topics relating to the Common European Asylum System. The workshops are complemented by the EUAA judicial materials.


Catalogue of EUAA judicial workshops

This catalogue details the EUAA judicial workshops for judicial practitioners in the field of international protection on a variety of topics relating to the Common European Asylum System. The workshops are complemented by the EUAA judicial materials.


Κατάλογος εργαστηρίων για δικαστικούς λειτουργούς του EUAA

This catalogue details the EUAA judicial workshops for judicial practitioners in the field of international protection on a variety of topics relating to the Common European Asylum System. The workshops are complemented by the EUAA judicial materials.


Internal evaluation of the Romania operational plan 2022

This report provides an assessment of the support provided by the Agency in the context of the Romania OP 2022


Katalog over EUAA’s retslige workshopper

This catalogue details the EUAA judicial workshops for judicial practitioners in the field of international protection on a variety of topics relating to the Common European Asylum System. The workshops are complemented by the EUAA judicial materials.


Katalog seminářů agentury EUAA pro soudce

This catalogue details the EUAA judicial workshops for judicial practitioners in the field of international protection on a variety of topics relating to the Common European Asylum System. The workshops are complemented by the EUAA judicial materials.


Каталог на юридическите семинари на Агенцията на Европейския съюз в областта на убежището

This catalogue details the EUAA judicial workshops for judicial practitioners in the field of international protection on a variety of topics relating to the Common European Asylum System. The workshops are complemented by the EUAA judicial materials.


Katalog över EUAA:s rättsseminarier

This catalogue details the EUAA judicial workshops for judicial practitioners in the field of international protection on a variety of topics relating to the Common European Asylum System. The workshops are complemented by the EUAA judicial materials.
