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Practical guide: Qualification for international protection

This practical guide intends to assist case officers and decision-makers in the examination of applications for international protection and application of the legal criteria on who qualifies for international protection, referring to both refugee status and subsidiary protection.

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Practical guide: Qualification for international protection - Flowchart poster for practitioners

This practical guide intends to assist case officers and decision-makers in the examination of applications for international protection and application of the legal criteria on who qualifies for international protection, referring to both refugee status and subsidiary protection.


Guidance on contingency planning

This guidance aims to assist Member States reception authorities in their preparedness and ability to cope with situations of mass influx or unexpected events.


COI Meeting Report on Syria

Meeting of experts ( EASOs Syria COI specialists network meeting held on 30 November and 1 December 2017 in Valletta) regarding the situation in Syria.

Judicial practical guide on country of origin information

Members of courts and tribunals are now faced with an almost overwhelming amount of information. The judicial practical guide provides an introduction to the use of country of origin information (COI) in international protection decisionmaking in Member States.


COI Report: Afghanistan - Networks (February 2018)

This report provides a description of role and value of networks in Afghanistan (family, tribes, etc.).

Judicial analysis on Evidence and credibility assessment

in the context of the Common European Asylum System

This judicial analysis scrutinises how, in the context of the CEAS, members of courts and tribunals should either review the evidence and credibility assessment undertaken by the determining authority (or court or tribunal of lower instance) or carry out evidence and credibility assessment themselve

Judicial analysis on Asylum procedures and the principle of non-refoulement

This analysis provides a general introduction setting out the legal framework and an overview of the rules of interpretation of the APD (recast).
