In fulfilling its tasks, the EUAA acts in close cooperation with relevant international and intergovernmental organisations, within the framework of cooperation agreements, some of which take the form of a Working Arrangement, others are concluded by means of an Exchange of Letters. Such cooperation agreements concluded by the Agency before the entry into force of the Regulation transforming EASO into the EU Agency for Asylum remain applicable.
The Agency actively coordinates its work with international organisations to ensure complementarity and avoid duplication of work.
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

The EUAA cooperates closely with and involves UNHCR in all areas covered by the Agency’s Regulation. The UNHCR enjoys observer status on the Agency’s Management Board and has a permanent liaison office to the Agency based in Malta. Annual senior management meetings are organised, and regular coordination meetings and technical thematic meetings between EUAA Headquarters and UNHCR Liaison Office/Headquarters/Brussels Bureau level, take place on a regular basis. Respective colleagues in the hosting countries of operations are also in regular contact. These are aimed at promoting cooperation and coordination of our respective work and the Agency’s Working Arrangement with UNHCR was renewed in 2021.
International Organisation for Migration (IOM)

The EUAA and IOM cooperate on matters of common interest in the field of asylum and migration management, and coordinate their respective activities and support to Member States, in order to achieve effectiveness, efficiency, maximum cooperation and the elimination of unnecessary duplication. The Agency and IOM concluded a Working Arrangement in 2019.
The Council of Europe (CoE)

The EUAA cooperates with the Council of Europe on human rights in the context of migration and asylum (eg. the protection of the rights of the child, the fight against trafficking in human beings), in line with principles established in the Memorandum of Understanding between the Council of Europe and the European Union (23 May 2007).
The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)

The EUAA and ICMPD cooperate on matters of common interest related to asylum and migration management. The EUAA and ICMPD have regular exchanges to maximise synergies, strengthen coordination of activities to ensure effectiveness and complementarity of actions and prevent possible duplication of effort. The Agency and ICMPD concluded an Exchange of Letters in 2020.
Intergovernmental Consultations on Migration, Asylum and Refugees (IGC)

The EUAA and IGC cooperate on matters of common interest in the field of asylum and migration management, and coordinate and align activities in order to minimise duplication and amplifying benefit. The Agency and IGC concluded a renewedExchange of Letters in 2021.
General Directors of Immigration Services Conference (GDISC)

The EUAA actively participates in the network meetings on migration and asylum organised by the GDISC. GDISC is a network of European national immigration authorities to facilitate practical cooperation and a platform to exchange best practices on migration and asylum.
The EUAA supports the external dimension of the Common European Asylum System within the framework of the EU external relations policy and in line with the External Cooperation Strategy endorsed by the Management Board in 2023.
With a view to ensuring and facilitating coordination with the European Commission, the Agency concluded a Working Arrangement for cooperation on external action with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME) in 2018.
The Agency has also concluded a Working Arrangement with the European External Action Service (EEAS) in 2021.
Currently, the EUAA provides capacity building support to the Western Balkans (WB) region and Turkey and also to some countries in the Middle East and North Africa (EU Southern Neighbourhood), within the frameworks of bilateral ‘Roadmaps’ for cooperation and EU-funded regional programmes, including the Instrument for pre-accession and Regional Development and Protection Programme for North Africa. In addition, the EUAA fosters cooperation among Member States and with International Organisations in relation to resettlement and also operates a Resettlement Support Facility (RSF) in Istanbul facilitating resettlement by Member States from Turkey.
The EUAA has Roadmaps for bilateral cooperation with the following partners: