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تقرير اللجوء لعام 2021 الصادر عن المكتب الأوروبي لدعم اللجوء (EASO) – ملخص تنفيذي

تقرير اللجوء لعام 2021 الصادر عن المكتب الأوروبي لدعم اللجوء (EASO): التقرير السنوي عن وضع اللجوء في الاتحاد الأوروبي - ملخص تنفيذي

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EASO Asylum Report 2021

EASO Asylum Report 2021: Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union

The Agency's flagship report presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2020. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.

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Raportul EASO privind azilul pentru anul 2021 – Rezumat

Raportul EASO privind azilul pentru anul 2021: Raportul anual privind situația azilului în Uniunea Europeană

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Tuarascáil Tearmainn EASO 2021 – Achoimre Fheidhmeach

Tuarascáil Tearmainn EASO 2021: An Tuarascáil Bhliantúil ar Staid an Tearmainn san Aontas Eorpach - Achoimre Fheidhmeach

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EASO-ovo izvješće o azilu za 2021. – Sažetak

EASO-ovo izvješće o azilu za 2021.: Godišnje izvješće o stanju azila u Europskoj uniji – Sažetak

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Az EASO 2021. évi menekültügyi jelentése – Vezetői összefoglaló

Az EASO 2021. évi menekültügyi jelentése: Éves jelentés az Európai Unió menekültügyi helyzetéről – Vezetői összefoglaló

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Relazione EASO sull’asilo 2021 – Sintesi

Relazione EASO sull’asilo 2021 Relazione annuale sulla situazione dell’asilo nell’Unione europea

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2021 m. EASO prieglobsčio ataskaita. Santrauka

2021 m. EASO prieglobsčio ataskaita. Metinė ataskaita dėl prieglobsčio padėties Europos Sąjungoje. Santrauka

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