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Guidance Note: Somalia (June 2022)

This guidance note summarises the conclusions of the common analysis of the situation in Somalia in a light user-friendly format. It focuses on the main elements of qualification for international protection.


Guidance Note: Afghanistan (April 2022)

This guidance note summarises the conclusions of the common analysis of the situation in Afghanistan in a light user-friendly format. It focuses on the main elements of qualification for international protection.


Analysis on Asylum and Temporary Protection in the EU+ in the Context of the Ukraine Crisis

Week 39 (26 September – 2 October) 2022

This public report provides an overview of the asylum applications and temporary protection by Ukrainian nationals in the EU+


Medical Country of Origin Information Report: Russian Federation

This report provides information on access to healthcare in the Russian Federation, together with prices of available treatments and medicines.


Study on Language Assessment for Determination of Origin of Applicants for International Protection - Executive summary

The executive summary of this feasibility study and cost assessment describes options for the EUAA to provide assistance for EU+ countries in the field of language assessment for determining the country of origin of applicants for international protection.


Mobility Trends Report: Afghan Nationals in in Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and Central Asia

MTRs provide information on migration and mobility trends of existing and newly displaced Afghan nationals on key transit countries, including Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and Central Asian countries


Syria: Socio-economic situation in Damascus city

The report provides relevant information regarding the socio-economic situation in the city of Damascus, including information about internal mobility and freedom of movement


Syria - Targeting of individuals

This report addresses topics related to the targeting of individuals by different armed actors operating in Syria, including the Government of Syria, the Syrian Democratic Forces, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, the Syrian National Army, and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant among others.
