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EUAA COI Report Methodology

This guide is the rebranded edition of the EASO COI Report Methodology 2019.


European Sectoral Qualifications Framework

European Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Asylum and Reception Officials

Occupational and Educational Standards


EUAA COI LGBTIQ Research Guide

This guide is the rebranded edition of the COI Reserach Guide on LGBTIQ 2021. This COI Research Guide focused primarily on sexual orientation (LGB persons) and not on gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics (transgender and intersex persons).


EUAA COI Writing and Referencing Guide

This guide is the rebranded edition of the EASO Writing and Referencing Guide for EASO Country of Origin Information (COI) Reports 2019. The EUAA COI Writing and Referencing Guide is for COI researchers who (co-)draft EUAA COI reports.


Judicial analysis on evidence and credibility in the context of the Common European Asylum System

This judicial analysis provides an overview of the EU legal framework and jurisprudence that pertains to evidence and credibility assessment.


Surveys of Arriving Migrants from Ukraine Factsheet 2 February 2023

Based on responses received between 11 April 2022 and 12 January 2023

On 11 April, the EUAA in partnership with OECD launched the Surveys of Arriving Migrants from Ukraine (SAM - UKR).


EUAA - Niger Pilot Roadmap

The EUAA-NE Pilot Roadmap is currently on hold.