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Practical Guide on Exclusion for Serious (Non-Political) Crimes

This guide provides a brief reminder of the main elements of the exclusion examination and explains the constitutive elements of the serious (non-political) crimes ground, the interplay between exclusion for serious (non-political) crimes and closely related provisions, as well as its relation to


Πρακτικός οδηγός σχετικά με τον αποκλεισμό για σοβαρά (μη πολιτικά) εγκλήματα

Το πρώτο μέρος υπενθυμίζει εν συντομία τα κύρια στοιχεία της εξέτασης αποκλεισμού, ενώ το δεύτερο μέρος εξηγεί τα συστατικά στοιχεία του λόγου «σοβαρών (μη πολιτικών) εγκλημάτων», την αλληλεπίδραση μεταξύ του αποκλεισμού για σοβαρά (μη πολιτικά) εγκλήματα και των στενά συνδεδεμένων διατάξεων, καθ


Multi-annual programming 2022-2024, Work Programme 2022, Revision 1

Single Programming Document 2022-2024, Work Programme 2022


praktinės gairės dėl informacijos teikimo vykdant Dublino procedūrą

Providing information on the Dublin procedure to applicants for international protection is an integral part of the procedure itself. This practical guide was developed to support all officials tasked with providing such information in an effective manner.


Guide pratique de l’EASO sur la fourniture d’informations dans le cadre de la procédure de Dublin

Providing information on the Dublin procedure to applicants for international protection is an integral part of the procedure itself. This practical guide was developed to support all officials tasked with providing such information in an effective manner.


Praktični vodič o priopćavanju informacija u dablinskom postupku

Providing information on the Dublin procedure to applicants for international protection is an integral part of the procedure itself. This practical guide was developed to support all officials tasked with providing such information in an effective manner.


Praktische gids voor informatieverstrekking in de Dublinprocedure

Providing information on the Dublin procedure to applicants for international protection is an integral part of the procedure itself. This practical guide was developed to support all officials tasked with providing such information in an effective manner.


Praktická príručka o poskytovaní informácií v rámci dublinského konania

Providing information on the Dublin procedure to applicants for international protection is an integral part of the procedure itself. This practical guide was developed to support all officials tasked with providing such information in an effective manner.
