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Newsletter on Asylum Case Law, Issue No 1/2020

EASO Newsletter on Asylum Case Law, Issue No 1/2020

A compilation of cases related to asylum which were pronounced from September to November 2020.


COVID-19 Emergency Measures in Asylum and Reception Systems, Issue No 3

COVID-19 Emergency Measures in Asylum and Reception Systems, Issue No 3

The third edition describes how asylum and reception systems are continuing operations during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Case law by European and national courts is also presented.

Praktická příručka o využívání informací o zemích původu

azylovými rozhodčími při posuzování žádostí o azyl


Praxisleitfaden zur Verwendung von Herkunftsländerinformationen

durch Entscheider bei der Prüfung von Asylanträgen


Πρακτικός οδηγός για τη χρήση πληροφοριών της χώρας καταγωγής

από τους υπευθύνους χειρισμού υποθέσεων κατά την εξέταση αιτήσεων χορήγησης ασύλου


Practical guide on the use of country of origin information

by case officers for the examination of asylum applications

This practical tool provides guidance to case officers on the practical use of country of origin information (COI) at different stages of the asylum procedure when preparing and conducting the personal interview and when carrying out the credibility assessment and the risk assessment of the appli
