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Съдебен анализ — Прекратяване на статут на международна закрила

Членове 11, 14, 16 и 19 от Директивата относно признаването (2011/95/ЕС)


Judicial analysis on Ending international protection

Articles 11, 14, 16 and 19 Qualification Directive (2011/95/EU)

The scope of this judicial analysis extends to the law on ending protection in relation to refugee status and subsidiary protection, in the context of Articles 11, 14, 16 and 19 of the QD (recast).

Δικαστική ανάλυση - Τερματισμός διεθνούς προστασίας:

Άρθρα 11, 14, 16 και 19 της οδηγίας για τις ελάχιστες απαιτήσεις ασύλου (2011/95/ΕΕ)


Richterliche Analyse der Beendigung des internationalen Schutzes

Artikel 11, 14, 16 und 19 der Qualitfikationsrichtlinie (2011/95/EU)
