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Practical Guide on Information Provision – Access to the asylum procedure

This practical guide aims to support EU+ officials providing information to applicants during access to the asylum procedure. The guide outlines basic principles for information provision and communication techniques.


Somali: Güvenlik Durumu

Raporda 1991’den önce Somali geçici anayasası tarafından öngörülen 18 idari bölge için hem ülke hem de bölge düzeyindeki güvenlik durumu hakkında güncel bilgilere ve haritalandırmaya yer verilmektedir


Somalia: Security Situation (February 2023)

The report provides an overview of the main security trends and conflict dynamics at country level in the reference period (1 July 2021 - 30 November 2022). Within this context it includes information on crucial developments that were already visible as of December 2022.


European Sectoral Qualifications Framework

European Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Asylum and Reception Officials

Occupational and Educational Standards
