Annual training report 2020 – Web Summary

Welcome and introduction

The Annual Training Report 2020 provides an update on outcomes achieved throughout the year. These include reporting on training activities as well as milestones reached as the Training and Professional Development Centre implements its Training and Learning Strategy. This Executive Summary outlines the highlights.

The report focuses on specific themes such as adapting training activities in response to the Covid-19 pandemic; the finalisation of the European Sectoral Qualifications Framework; the restructuring of the Training Curriculum, and the development of assessments in preparation for the incremental roll-out of certified training. An important milestone in 2020 was the development of the Training Quality Assurance Framework which provides the guidelines for ensuring that consistently high training standards are maintained and enhanced across all areas of the training cycle. 

More information:
EASO Annual Training Report 2020 [EN]
EASO Annual Training Report 2020 Executive Summary [EN]



I am proud to point out that this edition of the Annual Training Report 2020 shows how, despite the challenge posed by the ongoing pandemic, the Agency was able to rapidly respond to the changes and maintain high levels of training delivery during 2020, with an increase of 5 % in registrations for Training Curriculum modules compared to 2019. As a departure from previous editions, this report also goes beyond the numbers to highlight important areas of the TPDC’s activities as well as to anticipate some of the main developments in training over the coming year.
Nina Gregori
EASO Executive Director
European Asylum Support Office

Overview of Training activities in figures

Overall training data in 2020

In 2020, the total number of participations in training sessions reached 7910. Training in Training Curriculum modules increased by 5% in terms of participations. The COVID-19 pandemic did not impact the implementation of the Training Curriculum thanks to the successful adaption to full virtual training delivery. On the contrary, training activities within operating plans which require more face-to-face activities (standard courses, on-the-job coaching and tailor-made courses), saw a decrease of 58% of participations. This resulted in an overall decrease of 11% compared to 2019.

617 Training sessions were delivered in 2020 with 7910 participations recorded for a total of 4414 individuals trained.
545 participations were recorded in train-the-trainer sessions for a total of 435 trainers trained.
5502 participations of EU+ countries were recorded in Training Curriculum sessions for a total of 3463 individuals trained. 
1493 participations were recorded under operating plans 2020 for a total of 663 individuals trained.


Overall Training data between 2012 and 2020

In total, 50033 participations were recorded in training activities between 2012 and 2020. 

The total participations in Training Curriculum sessions between 2012 and 2020 amounted to 43215, of which 3295 were in train-the-trainer sessions. Participations in tailor-made courses, standard courses and on-the-job coaching sessions amounted to 6818. 

Training Curriculum

Training Curriculum in 2020 – Overview


participations and 4276 individuals


global satisfaction rate in 2020

In 2020, 39 train-the-trainer sessions were delivered (545 participations) whereas 467 national and other training sessions were organised (6236 participations). 

Overall, 4276 individuals followed the Training Curriculum sessions in 2020, representing a total of 6967 participations, of which 79% were by EU+ countries officials, 17% were by agency staff and 4% were by officials from third countries. 

The multiplier effect of the Training Curriculum in 2020 amounted to 11 participants for one trainer trained. At EU+ level, the multiplier effect amounted to 15 participants for one trainer trained.

Training Curriculum 2012-2020  –  Overview

3085 sessions on 29 Training Curriculum modules were organised between 2012 and 2020, of which 244 were train-the-trainer sessions and 2717 were national and other sessions. 

In total, 43215 participations were registered in Training Curriculum sessions between 2012 and 2020 (18 405 individuals), of which 3295 were in train-the-trainer sessions and 38729 were in national and other sessions. 

EU+ countries accounted for 85% of the total participations, while non-EU+ countries accounted for 8% and the Agency accounted for 7%.

Operational Training

133 sessions were delivered under the operating plans 2020, with 663 individuals trained and a total of 1495 participations. 

The numbers of participations under these plans amounted to 824 for Greece, 298 for Italy, 195 for Cyprus and 178 for Malta. 

In total, 8572 participations were recorded as part of the operating plans for Greece, Italy, Cyprus and Malta between 2016 and 2020. 

Since 2016, the total numbers of participations under these operating plans have amounted to 3735 for Greece, 4122 for Italy, 481 for Cyprus and 234 for Malta. 

See more on operational training per country:

Operational training in Cyprus
Operational training in Greece
Operational training in Italy
Operational training in Malta

In the spotlight

The EASO Training Curriculum is designed specifically to provide common vocational training for asylum and reception officials working in EU Member States. However, given the diversity (both in size and organisational structure) of the organisations responsible for asylum and reception across Europe, EASO, supported by Member States, mapped all the duties and tasks specific to the sector in order to ensure that the training we design and deliver is aligned to the job to be performed. The result is the European Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Asylum and Reception Officials (ESQF), which was finalised in 2020. The framework categorises the job-tasks according to competence areas and level of complexity and outlines the knowledge, skills, responsibilities and autonomy necessary to carry them out. These are aligned with the learning required to ensure that asylum and reception officials can perform their duties effectively and in line with the CEAS. The ESQF can help identify gaps in our training offer. The ESQF is used throughout the training cycle (needs analysis, design and development, implementation and evaluation) to ensure that our training offer is flexible and authentic to the job to be performed.
  • European Sectoral Qualifications Framework: Occupational Standards [EN]
  • European Sectoral Qualifications Framework: Educational Standards [EN]
  • European Sectoral Qualifications Framework - Video


The ESQF has been used to build an interactive and user-friendly tool which proposes learning paths targeted to training needs - the EASO Training Needs Analysis Tool (ETNAT). After inputting the job-tasks performed, an algorithm is used to select corresponding EASO Training Curriculum modules ranked in order of relevance. The ETNAT pilot phase was launched at the end of 2020 and Member States asylum and reception administrations are assisting EASO in improving the features to ensure its maximum usability and added value.
During the last quarter of 2020, the TPDC participated fully in the work leading to the signature of the 2021 Operating Plan with Spain. EASO and Spanish authorities explored areas of collaboration and potential EASO support to the Spanish Ministry for Inclusion, Social Security and Migration (MISSM) in relation to reception. After identifying potential priority areas of cooperation, a Joint Rapid Needs Assessment (JRNA) was conducted over a period of six weeks. This JRNA confirmed the priority areas of support with Spanish authorities and all relevant stakeholders. As part of the process to identify training needs, the tasks carried out by Spanish reception officials were mapped to the competence areas in the ESQF. By identifying relevant learning outcomes, future training support can be planned using existing training modules or ad hoc training targeted to their specific needs. A first outline of a training package which could be of interest to identified target groups was also developed.
In 2020, the Training and Professional Development Centre continued working towards alignment with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area. In practice, this has meant a new design methodology. The TPDC has developed module design templates for all learners’ modules. Each template, in line with the ESQF, identifies the aim of the module, target audience, job tasks and the learning outcomes (LOs). Based on this, a targeted assessment strategy is adopted in each certified module. This learning-outcomes approach is being applied during the restructuring of the Training Curriculum to enable more flexible learning pathways.
Development of modules in 2020 Reception of vulnerable persons: identification of vulnerability and provision of initial support (block A) – new

Reception of vulnerable persons: needs assessment and design of interventions (block B) – new

Upgrading of modules in 2020 Upgrading of the ‘Exclusion’ module, now called ‘The application of the exclusion clauses to persons undeserving international protection’

Upgrading of the ‘Evidence assessment’ module

Virtual training solutions


Satisfaction rate with virtual solutions in 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic impacted the training in many ways. When all face-to-face training activities were suspended, TPDC rose to the challenge and adapted rapidly in order to be able to provide virtual delivery. This coincided with a dramatic rise in registrations to training during the first months of the pandemic.

All planned face-to-face training sessions were replaced by interactive webinars and TPDC developed ad-hoc virtual solutions (i.e., webinars on the best interest determination, remote interviewing, and on supporting staff wellbeing during COVID-19).

Preparing for the future: Implementing the Training and Learning Strategy

Training Quality Assurance Framework (TQAF)

During 2020, the Centre worked extensively with TNCPs (Training National Contact Points) and with the Certification and Accreditation Working Group (CAWG) to further define and develop the quality assurance system for EASO training activities. The result of this work is a draft Training Quality Assurance Framework (TQAF) which outlines the main guiding principles of this quality assurance system. The TQAF is meant to ensure full alignment with the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), while taking into consideration EASO’s specific mandate and mission.

As we move towards implementation of the TQAF, the following activities are being carried out:

  • The development of a standardised Training Needs Analysis (TNA) methodology
  • A new method for the design and development of modules
  • Certification of trainers
  • Launch of certified modules including assessments and training for trainers
  • Enhanced support to learners
  • Evaluation methodology

Restructuring the Training Curriculum

Over the past year, the Centre has continued restructuring the Training Curriculum, which will now feature a larger number of smaller modules. This new structure will allow for a smooth progression of learning by ensuring that learners will not have to repeat learning or engage in learning which is unnecessary.

Development of thematic content courses for trainers

The core modules have been identified as having a common learning theme for the duties and tasks of future case officers. Trainers will be equipped with extra skills and knowledge to support learners during their learning journey. The same thematic-based approach will be applied, where possible, while designing the content courses for trainers of other modules.

Development of module on Becoming an EASO assessor, Becoming an EASO trainer, Becoming an EASO coach

The Agency will continue to support trainers with a set of specific modules to guide them in their roles as assessors, coaches and didactic experts.

Development of the foundation modules (with assessment) and launch of the core modules and foundation modules for learners.

Revamping and upgrading the Learning Management System

In 2020, TPDC prepared for a re-launch of its LMS (planned for the first quarter of 2021), upgraded to its newest Long-Term Support version and with a brand-new look & feel that aligns it further to the EUAA's updated visual identity.

Click to see the new look of the LMS

The Annual Training Report 2020 and its Executive Summary are available in pdf format:
-    Annual Training Report 2020 [EN]
-    Annual Training Report 2020 Executive Summary [EN]

For more information visit Training page