EUAA Office Locations


Background history

The EUAA has been supporting Italy since 2013, following Italy’s request of assistance to cope with  increasing number of arrivals of migrants and the need of keeping high standards in its asylum and reception procedures. The Italian Authorities have received the Agency’s support in the processing of applications for international protection, as well as in enhancing the capacity to absorb the backlog of cases cumulated during the recent years.

The Italy Operational Office has also been putting particular effort in promoting and delivering capacity building activities and on improving the quality of asylum processes and systems.

Building on the results achieved in 2020, EASO support for Italy continued in 2021 with a focus on asylum processes quality and standardisation, on provision of support to the reception system and to ad hoc disembarkations and voluntary relocation exercises.

Presentation of the team

Recruitment- Office Locations-Italy

"My name is Claudia and I work for EUAA since 2018. I currently work in support to the Italy Country Operations where I coordinate the implementation of the activities related to the enhancement of the quality and standardization of asylum procedures as well as the cooperation mechanisms among EU MSs, including in emergency situations such as SAR disembarkation events and voluntary relocation. I coordinate the Asylum Support teams deployed at central and local level and facilitate the dialogue with national stakeholders to contribute to ensuring that asylum seekers have access too timely and quality asylum procedures, in line with EU common standards and always considering their specific needs. Working with EUAA has been a challenging but rewording experience since the first day! Being part of the EUAA family and contributing to guaranteeing that the rights of asylum seekers are fully respected enriches me from a professional and personal point of you"

Claudia Babini

Massimo Pagnoni

’My name is Massimo Pagnoni, and I am responsible for the EUAA activities in support to the Department of Civil Liberties and Immigration within the Italian Ministry of Interior. I coordinate the deployment of Asylum Support teams in the Prefectures at field level for the implementation of an effective coordination mechanism with the central authorities. The aim is to ensure EU common standards of reception conditions in the allocation of asylum seekers disembarked in Italy to the reception facilities, considering the specific needs of the persons. The possibility to support people upon their arrival in the Italian territory and to timely respond to their needs is sometimes very challenging because it requires to be always available to support colleagues, but it makes me feel helpful for the others and it is enriching my personal life and work experience”. 

Massimo Pagnoni