Courts and Tribunals

The EUAA supports members of court and tribunals through dedicated judicial publications and activities.

The EUAA support to courts and tribunals - Watch the video

The EUAA support to courts and tribunals aims at promoting the effective and consistent implementation of the Common European Asylum System and is the result of a close working collaboration between the EUAA and a dedicated network. This support is entirely intended for the benefit of the members of courts and tribunals across Europe who are working in this highly specialised area of the law.

The EUAA coordinates the Courts and Tribunals Network and produces high-quality materials designed to support judicial practitioners in their daily tasks and to form the basis for capacity building activities.

EUAA Courts and Tribunals Network
EUAA Courts and Tribunals Network

The EUAA has developed a network that has consistently grown over the years. Courts and tribunals from all EU+ countries, as well as the following key stakeholders, are represented in the network:

  • The Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights.
  • International and European judicial associations: the International Association of Refugee and Migration Judges and the Association of European Administrative Judges.
  • Other stakeholders, such as the European Judicial Training Network, the Academy of European Law, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Since 2013, the network has been meeting every year for its Annual Coordination and Planning Meeting. These meetings focus on strategic and thematic issues.