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The digitalisation of asylum processes

The digitalisation of asylum processes, Fact Sheet No EASO/IAS/2021/3

The fact sheet presents an overview of developments in digitalising the asylum procedure as extracted from the EASO Asylum Report 2021

Resettlement and humanitarian admissions

Resettlement and humanitarian admissions, Fact Sheet No EASO/IAS/2021/2

The fact sheet presents information on resettlement and humanitarian admissions as extracted from the EASO Asylum Report 2021.


State of play of COVID-19 measures on international protection procedures (including the vaccination of asylum seekers)

State of play of COVID-19 measures on international protection procedures (including the vaccination of asylum seekers), Situational Update, Issue No 4

Update on COVID-19 measures and the vaccination of asylum seekers in EU+ countries

Family reunification for beneficiaries of international protection

Family reunification for beneficiaries of international protection, Fact Sheet No EASO/IAS/2021/1

The fact sheet presents information on family reunification for beneficiaries of international protection as extracted from the EASO Asylum Report 2021.


Sprawozdanie EASO na temat azylu za 2021 r. – Streszczenie

Sprawozdanie EASO na temat azylu za 2021 r: Roczne sprawozdanie na temat sytuacji w dziedzinie
azylu w Unii Europejskiej – streszczenie

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Rapport tal-EASO dwar l-Azil 2021 – Sommarju Eżekuttiv

Rapport tal-EASO dwar l-Ażil 2021: Rapport Annwali dwar is-Sitwazzjoni tal-Ażil fl-Unjoni Ewropea - Sommarju Eżekuttiv

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Asielverslag 2021 van EASO – Samenvatting

Asielverslag 2021 van EASO: Jaarverslag over de asielsituatie in de Europese Unie – Samenvatting

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Извештај за азил на ЕКПА 2021 година - Извршно резиме

Извештај за азил на ЕКПА 2021 година: Годишен извештај за состојбата со азилот во Европската унија - Извршно резиме

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