EUAA Training - Key facts and figures

Overview of Training activities in figures

Overall training data

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Training Curriculum

3 640 sessions on 32 Training Curriculum modules were organised between 2012 and 2021, of which 295 were train-the-trainer sessions and 3 345 were national and other sessions. 

In total, 49 132 participations were registered in Training Curriculum sessions between 2012 and 2021 (20 324 individuals), of which 3 988 participations were in train-the-trainer sessions and 45 144 were in national and other sessions.

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Operational Training

In total, 211 sessions were delivered under the 2021 operating plans (OP), with 1 950 individuals trained and a total of 3 140 participations. 

The numbers of participations amounted to 415 for Cyprus, 1 624 for Greece, 346 for Italy, 8 for Latvia, 130 for Lithuania, 276 for Malta and 341 for Spain. 

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Learner viewing online content

The Annual Training Report 2021

EUAA Annual Training Report 2021 gives an overview of the main activities carried out during 2021 by the Agency. Training forms an integral part of the Agency’s permanent support to Member States, along with capacity building in the context of operational support provided to those states whose asylum and reception systems are under disproportionate pressure. Providing common training material enables better cooperation between the Member States in the fields of both asylum and reception. The overarching goal of the training is to promote good practice and the harmonisation of the practical implementation of the Common European Asylum System.

Read the foreword from the EUAA Executive Director

As the Agency celebrated its 10-year anniversary, it was acknowledged how the provision of common training has contributed to the enhancement of quality and harmonisation in the implementation of the Common European Asylum System. In 2012, the Agency took over the European Asylum Curriculum. Over the subsequent decade, the range of modules expanded. As you will read in the report, 2021 saw further improvements with the development of foundation modules and a broader range of modules on reception. Voluntary assessments were also introduced as a first step towards being able to offer specific qualifications for practitioners working in the field of asylum and reception.

Nina Gregori
Executive Director of the European Union Agency for Asylum

Executive director


Consult the full report or the executive summary (available in all EU+ languages) for more in-depth analysis. They are available in PDF format. 



Monitoring feedback from training activities in 2021

The Agency takes participant feedback into account to promote a culture of continuous improvement and student-centred learning and strives to ensure that the training it provides is appropriate and takes place in a supportive and effective learning environment.

The following figures show a high satisfaction rate overall.


for all training activities


for training activities in the context of permanent support


for training activities in the context the context of operational support


In the spotlight


We welcome the first EUAA certified trainers

The Agency launched a procedure to certify experienced trainers through the roll-out of assessments and of a specific module to gain the necessary skills to assess learners. This milestone means that Member State authorities are now able to assess whether their learners have achieved the defined learning outcomes and can therefore demonstrate that they have the knowledge and skills to perform their tasks according to good practice and in line with the Common European Asylum System.


Our new mandate

The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union agreed on the new enhanced mandate that established the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA). In the new mandate, training is explicitly mentioned, including training in reception-related areas. The Training Curriculum was renamed the European Asylum Curriculum.

Towards an EUAA Academy 

In accordance with Article 8(4) of the EUAA Regulation, ensuring and further enhancing high-quality fit-for-purpose training, the Agency is focusing on the following aspects: 

  • quality of content – fit-for-purpose design of the training activities; 
  • quality of delivery and learner experience; 
  • quality of outcomes – reliability, consistency and comparability of the training outcomes regardless of the place and mode of delivery.

All developments and improvements in the area of EUAA training design, delivery and quality assurance enable us to achieve another strategic goal: establishing the EUAA Academy, a fully and officially recognised qualifications provider. This status will greatly improve the learner experience by facilitating the official recognition of EUAA training outcomes – certificates, qualifications, degrees, etc. across all EU Member States and beyond. 

  • 1Sexual orientation, gender identity and expression and sex characteristics.