National Asylum Developments Database


The National Asylum Developments Database presents legislative, institutional and policy developments related to asylum since 2018.

Searches can be narrowed down by:

  • Country
  • Year
  • Type of development: legislative, institutional or policy 
  • Thematic area: access to procedure, access to information, legal assistance and representation, interpretation services, special procedures, procedures at first instance, reception of applicants for international protection, detention, procedures at second instance, country of origin information, statelessness in the asylum context, content of protection, return of former applicants, resettlement and humanitarian admission programmes.

Details on each development and further analysis can be consulted in the Asylum Report series.

Flag Country Year Type of development Thematic area Development Source
Netherlands Flag Netherlands 2020 Legislative Detention Detention during the asylum procedure An amendment to the Aliens Act established a clear legal basis for continuing the detention of a rejected applicant at the border during the appeal phase in the border procedure. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Netherlands Flag Netherlands 2020 Legislative Detention Detention during the asylum procedure The grounds were extended for placing an unaccompanied minor in detention for the purpose of return. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Netherlands Flag Netherlands 2020 Legislative Statelessness in the context of asylum Statelessness in the context of asylum The draft law on the statelessness determination procedure was presented to the Dutch parliament. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Netherlands Flag Netherlands 2020 Legislative Content of protection Content of protection The Alien Circular 2000 now explicitly states that the IND has to always include in the decision on family reunification all indicative statements and documents, and in some cases, further examination may be initiated. When a contradiction leads to no further investigation, this has to be motivated. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Netherlands Flag Netherlands 2020 Legislative Content of protection Content of protection Further clarifications were provided for the assessment of family reunification for beneficiaries of international protection. For example, the fact that the family members were not named during the asylum procedure is not in itself a ground to reject family reunification, but it can be taken into account when assessing the actual family link. For foster children, the biological parents' identity and the foster parent's family link to the biological parents always need to be clarified. When the biological parents are still present, the link between a foster child and foster parents can only be recognised for family reunification under very exceptional circumstances. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Netherlands Flag Netherlands 2020 Legislative Return of former applicants Return of former applicants The time limit for announcing the exact date of the forced removal is shortened from 48 hours to 36 hours (Article A3/6). The announcement can be omitted if there is a risk that the prior announcement would endanger the safety or health of the person or the family members. If the departure cannot take place, a new option is sought, and if the removal can take place within 2 days from the original date, a new prior notice is not necessary. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Netherlands Flag Netherlands 2020 Legislative Return of former applicants Return of former applicants The Aliens Circular was amended and clarified that when a child is born after a parent has received a return decision, even though the child is subject to an independent return decision, the period of voluntary return is aligned to the parents' decision and expires at the same time. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Malta Flag Malta 2020 Policy Reception of applicants for international protection Reception of applicants for international protection The AWAS reduced the length of contracts signed with male adult applicants for their accommodation from 1 year to 6 months. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Malta Flag Malta 2020 Policy Content of protection Content of protection Criteria for the Specific Residence Authorisation (SRA) policy was modified. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Malta Flag Malta 2020 Legislative Content of protection Content of protection A new provision regarding the cessation of international protection (unequivocal renunciation) was added to the Procedural Standards for Granting and Withdrawing International Protection Regulations. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Malta Flag Malta 2020 Legislative Applicants with special needs Persons with special needs in the asylum procedure SOGI was included to be a particular social group under the Procedural Standards for Granting and Withdrawing International Protection Regulation. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Malta Flag Malta 2020 Legislative Special procedures to process asylum applications Special procedures to process asylum applications Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia were added to the list of safe countries of origin. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Malta Flag Malta 2020 Legislative Processing asylum applications at first instance Processing asylum applications at first instance The definition of manifestly-unfounded applications was amended and aligned with the definition in the recast Asylum Procedures Directive. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Malta Flag Malta 2020 Legislative Processing asylum applications at second or higher instance Processing asylum applications at second or higher instance The International Protection Appeals Tribunal now has a full-time chairperson and two or more members on a part-time basis, appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Malta Flag Malta 2020 Legislative Processing asylum applications at second or higher instance Processing asylum applications at second or higher instance The Refugee Appeals Board changed its name to International Protection Appeals Tribunal. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Malta Flag Malta 2020 Legislative Content of protection Content of protection The International Protection Act set in law the grounds and procedures for granting, excluding or revoking Temporary Humanitarian Status. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Luxembourg Flag Luxembourg 2020 Policy Content of protection Content of protection The Ministry of Education, Childhood and Youth published a guide addressed to professionals working with newly-arrived foreign students, with a specific section on minors who are applicants for international protection. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Luxembourg Flag Luxembourg 2020 Policy Reception of applicants for international protection Reception of applicants for international protection A new arrival centre opened in Luxembourg City, where all asylum and reception stakeholders are present at the same location. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Luxembourg Flag Luxembourg 2020 Institutional Reception of applicants for international protection Reception of applicants for international protection On 1 January 2020, the National Reception Office (ONA), which is under the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, replaced the Luxembourg Office for Reception and Integration (OLAI) for the reception of asylum applications. The responsibility for integration was transferred to the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region under the Department for Integration. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Luxembourg Flag Luxembourg 2020 Legislative Access to procedure icon Access to procedure A draft law would amend the Law on international protection and temporary protection by extending the group of officers of the Grand Ducal Police authorised to carry out checks required in the context of the submission of an application for international protection. It is proposed to confer this power to all members of the Grand Ducal Police, whereas at present, this task is exclusively reserved for members of the judicial police service. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Luxembourg Flag Luxembourg 2020 Legislative The Dublin procedure The Dublin procedure A draft law would modify the remedy system available for the The Dublin procedure to ensure the efficiency of the procedure, while keeping legal guarantees at the maximum level. It would modify and align the time limits and methods of appeal. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Luxembourg Flag Luxembourg 2020 Legislative Processing asylum applications at second or higher instance Processing asylum applications at second or higher instance A draft amendment of the Law on international protection and on temporary protection would introduce changes to appeal possibilities against a decision to withdraw international protection. The amendment would align appeals against withdrawals with those against refusals in the normal procedure for greater harmony, whereas currently an appeal against withdrawals falls under common law. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Luxembourg Flag Luxembourg 2020 Legislative Content of protection Content of protection An amendment to the Immigration Law was presented to the parliament, which aimed to simplify the family reunification procedure in general and to extend the time limit for facilitated family reunification criteria for beneficiaries of international protection from 3 months to 6 months. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Luxembourg Flag Luxembourg 2020 Legislative Content of protection Content of protection The reform of the Integration Act is foreseen, and the Minister for Families and Integration launched a public consultation. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Luxembourg Flag Luxembourg 2020 Legislative Applicants with special needs Persons with special needs in the asylum procedure A new regulation sets out the operation and work process of the interdisciplinary commission to evaluate the best interests of unaccompanied minors in a return decision. EASO Asylum Report 2021