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Displaced Ukrainians with Disabilities Seeking Temporary Protection in Europe

Situational Update No 20

This situational update accompanies the analytical report on asylum applicants with disabilities and focuses on current practices and the latest developments related to displaced Ukrainians with disabilities.


Persons with Disabilities in Asylum and Reception Systems

A Comprehensive Overview

This report analyses the latest developments and systems currently in place to manage asylum applicants with disabilities. The information is based on publicly-available sources and submissions to two EUAA surveys.


Practical Guide on Evidence and Risk Assessment

This guide provides a comprehensive methodology and core guidance to the case officer on the three steps of the evidence and risk assessment:


Ghana Topical Report: Neurology

Topical report on the accessibility of neurology healthcare in Ghana


Ghana Topical Report: Paediatrics

Topical report on the accessibility of paediatric healthcare in Ghana


Ghana Topical Report: Psychiatry

Topical report on the accessibility of psychiatric healthcare in Ghana


Documento único de programación 2024- 2026 - Resumen

Resumen del documento único de programación 2024-2026, con el programa de trabajo 2024


Ühtne programmdokument 2024–2026 - Kokkuvõte

Kokkuvõte ühtsest programmdokumendist 2024–2026 koos 2024. aasta tööprogrammiga
