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A morning with a Dutch delegation of young professionals… waiting for the next one!

Meeting with Dutch delegation

On Tuesday, 11 February, a Dutch group of young professionals from the Ministry of Security and Justice in the Netherlands visited EASO’s office in Rome.

The group of 30 young and motivated officials contributed to a very fruitful meeting. The meeting was not only about delivering presentations, but about a real exchange of experiences and good practices.

This study trip to Italy included a visit to Rome and Naples to deepen into two very sensitive topics: the fight against organised crime and the management of increased asylum numbers in Italy until recently, as well as the interlinkages with EU countries in these fields. The purpose of the trip was to gather information and collect good practices of the Italian approach that could be taken home, as well as to allow the participants to broaden their vision and establish new contacts.

The meeting started with an introduction by the officials of the European Commission’s (EC) Representation in Italy, explaining the approach and activities the EC has in place to manage asylum and migration. Then, there was a special focus on EASO, more specifically its mission and tasks in Italy. Starting from a general presentation of the Agency and an overview of the activities carried out in Italy since 2016 (when the first Special Support Plan was signed), to an insight into the current Italy Operating Plan and its measures.

What was the highlight of the day? The involvement of the participants. They were very active, having a lot of questions and good practices to share. 

A very special way to conclude a fruitful and interesting meeting… waiting for the next one!