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National Asylum Developments Database


The National Asylum Developments Database presents legislative, institutional and policy developments related to asylum since 2018.

Searches can be narrowed down by:

  • Country
  • Year
  • Type of development: legislative, institutional or policy 
  • Thematic area: access to procedure, access to information, legal assistance and representation, interpretation services, special procedures, procedures at first instance, reception of applicants for international protection, detention, procedures at second instance, country of origin information, statelessness in the asylum context, content of protection, return of former applicants, resettlement and humanitarian admission programmes.

Details on each development and further analysis can be consulted in the Asylum Report series.

Types of policies and practices reported in the National Asylum Developments Database

The National Asylum Developments Database can be searched by institutional, legislative and policy changes. There are three types of policy developments:

Policies and practices related to the integrity of national asylum systems aim to swiftly identify unfounded asylum applications and ensure that financial, human and administrative resources are not dissipated on such claims. These measures involve efforts to rapidly establish an applicant’s identity, including age, country of origin, travel route and security concerns if any. These facts help to better assess the credibility of the applicant’s statements and determine whether beneficiaries of international protection are still in need of protection. The prevention of unintentional misuse of the asylum procedure and its integrity are also supported by the provision of information to asylum applicants and beneficiaries of international protection on their respective rights and obligations and related procedural arrangements.

Policies and practices that improve the efficiency of national asylum systems include digitalisation and the use of new technologies in the framework of asylum, prioritising or fast-tracking applications, the re-organisation of the procedure itself or implementing changes in the number of staff employed.

Policy and practice aiming to enhance the quality of national asylum systems contribute to increasing fairness, integrity and efficiency. Quality assurance systems, guidance materials and capacity-building measures typically pay off on the initial investment and efforts. The initiatives include staff training, revising existing guidance materials and monitoring the quality of the decisions delivered.

The database presents validated factual information and does not imply any endorsement from the European Commission or EUAA.

Flag Country Year Type of development Sort descending Thematic area Development Source
Lithuania Flag Lithuania 2019 Institutional Access to procedure icon Access to procedure The Migration Department became the main institution for migration-related activities. The functions related to asylum procedures, previously performed by police units, were transferred to the Migration Department and the State Border Guard Service (SBGS). EASO Asylum Report 2020
France Flag France 2020 Institutional Processing asylum applications at first instance Processing asylum applications at first instance The Franco-German Parliamentary Assembly created a new joint working group on migration, asylum and integration. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Ireland Flag Ireland 2019 Institutional Reception of applicants for international protection Reception of applicants for international protection The tasks for reception and accommodation were divided into two new sections within the Immigration Service Delivery Function: International Protection Accommodation Services (IPAS) and International Protection Procurement Services (IPPS). EASO Asylum Report 2020
Hungary Flag Hungary 2019 Institutional Processing asylum applications at first instance Processing asylum applications at first instance The regional asylum offices were closed and the central department took over their tasks. EASO Asylum Report 2020
Luxembourg Flag Luxembourg 2019 Institutional Content of protection Content of protection The Department of Integration was created within the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region. EASO Asylum Report 2020
Greece Flag Greece 2020 Institutional Processing asylum applications at first instance Processing asylum applications at first instance The organigramme of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum was adopted in December 2020. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Austria Flag Austria 2019 Institutional Return of former applicants Return of former applicants A new Department for Return and Reintegration (V/10) was established as part of Section V in the Federal Ministry of the Interior. EASO Asylum Report 2020
Austria Flag Austria 2019 Institutional Processing asylum applications at first instance Processing asylum applications at first instance The new Section V (Immigration) was established within the Federal Ministry of the Interior after an organisational restructuring. The new section brings together resources and knowledge on affairs related to asylum and immigration, including border control, Aliens Police, reception, residency, citizenship and return. EASO Asylum Report 2020
Hungary Flag Hungary 2019 Institutional Reception of applicants for international protection Reception of applicants for international protection The Reception Facilities Supervisory Unit became responsible for operating and managing reception facilities. EASO Asylum Report 2020
Germany Flag Germany 2019 Institutional The Dublin procedure The Dublin procedure The German Dublin Unit within BAMF became responsible for deciding on the admissibility of applications when the applicant is already a beneficiary of international protection in another Dublin state. EASO Asylum Report 2020
Greece Flag Greece 2020 Institutional Applicants with special needs Persons with special needs in the asylum procedure The Special Secretariat for the protection of unaccompanied and separated minors was appointed as the competent authority for the protection of unaccompanied children. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Denmark Flag Denmark 2020 Institutional Return of former applicants Return of former applicants The Danish Return Agency started its operations on 1 August 2020 and is responsible for tasks linked to return, with the exception of forced removals. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Croatia Flag Croatia 2019 Institutional Unaccompanied minors and vulnerable groups Unaccompanied minors and vulnerable groups A Governmental Inter-Agency Committee for the Protection of Unaccompanied Children was established. EASO Asylum Report 2020
Slovenia Flag Slovenia 2020 Institutional Access to information Access to information The Ministry of the Interior took over the information provision sessions, after the expiry of a contract with an NGO who was previously charged with this task. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Luxembourg Flag Luxembourg 2019 Institutional The Dublin procedure The Dublin procedure The Dublin Unit of the Directorate of Immigration was moved from the Return Unit, Department for Returns to the Asylum Unit, Department for Refugees. EASO Asylum Report 2020
Austria Flag Austria 2020 Institutional Reception of applicants for international protection Reception of applicants for international protection The Federal Agency for Reception and Support Services (BBU, Bundesagentur fuer Betreuungs- und Unterstuetzungsleistungen GmbH) started its activities on 1 December 2020 related to the provision of material reception conditions. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Hungary Flag Hungary 2019 Institutional Processing asylum applications at first instance Processing asylum applications at first instance The Hungarian Immigration and Asylum Office (IAO) was transformed into the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing (NDGAP) and is now under the management of the Police. EASO Asylum Report 2020
Luxembourg Flag Luxembourg 2020 Institutional Reception of applicants for international protection Reception of applicants for international protection On 1 January 2020, the National Reception Office (ONA), which is under the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, replaced the Luxembourg Office for Reception and Integration (OLAI) for the reception of asylum applications. The responsibility for integration was transferred to the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region under the Department for Integration. EASO Asylum Report 2021
Croatia Flag Croatia 2019 Institutional Processing asylum applications at first instance Processing asylum applications at first instance The Croatian Ministry of the Interior formed the Directorate for Immigration, Citizenship and Administrative Affairs, including the Sector for Foreigners and International Protection, which is divided into a Service for Foreigners, a Service for International protection (responsible for the International Protection Section, Dublin Procedure Section and the Integration Section) and a Service for the Reception and Accommodation of Applicants for International Protection (responsible for reception centres in Zagreb and Kutina). EASO Asylum Report 2020
Czech Flag Czech Republic 2020 Institutional Return of former applicants Return of former applicants Regional offices of the Czech Return Unit were established in Brno and in detention centres in Bela-Jezova, Balkova and Vysni Lhoty. EASO Asylum Report 2021
France Flag France 2020 Institutional Processing asylum applications at first instance Processing asylum applications at first instance The position of the Minister Delegate for Citizenship was created under the Minister of the Interior, responsible for asylum and integration EASO Asylum Report 2021
Spain Flag Spain 2023 Institutional Reception of applicants for international protection Reception of applicants for international protection The Spanish Directorate General responsible for reception changed its name to the General Directorate for the Management of International and Temporary Protection Reception Systems (DGGSAPIT) to reflect its responsibility for managing reception centres for persons with temporary protection. EUAA Asylum Report 2024
Greece Flag Greece 2019 Institutional Processing asylum applications at first instance Processing asylum applications at first instance The Ministry on Migration and Asylum was re-created, after merging with the Ministry of Citizen Protection in July 2019. EASO Asylum Report 2020
Bulgaria Flag Bulgaria 2019 Institutional Reception of applicants for international protection Reception of applicants for international protection A separate Social Adaptation Department was established in the Registration and Reception Centre in Harmanli. EASO Asylum Report 2020
Greece Flag Greece 2019 Institutional Processing asylum applications at first instance Processing asylum applications at first instance The Ministry of Citizen Protection and the Ministry of Migration Policy were merged into a new Ministry of Citizen Protection. EASO Asylum Report 2020