
News Published: 12 November 2021

EASO publishes new updated COI Research Guide on LGBTIQ (2021)

Image for EASO publishes new updated COI Research Guide on LGBTIQ (2021)

Today, the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) published a new COI research guide titled COI Research Guide on LGBTIQ. The guide should serve the needs of both experienced and less experienced COI researchers, as well as asylum caseworkers conducting COI research on the situation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer persons in countries of origin. Additionally, it may assist lawyers, legal aid providers and judges working in the asylum procedure.

Researching the situation of LGBTIQ persons in countries of origin can be challenging for several reasons, such as the variety of search terms, scarce sources, and lack of detailed/specific information for particular profiles. To address such research challenges, EASO’s 2015 research guide on the situation of LGB persons was published, which initially focused on the main profiles of lesbian, gay and bisexual persons. Since 2015, more EU+ countries have indicated to the Agency an increase in applications from transgender and intersex persons, demonstrating a need to expand the Research Guide to additional profiles. 

Differences with the 2015 COI Research Guide are: inclusion of gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics; an update of the terminology and glossary; an update of possible research questions to include different aspects of the situation of LGBTIQ persons, and an update of the sources in Annex II. 

In April 2020, a working group of COI researchers from Denmark, Finland, Germany and the Netherlands, coordinated by EASO, updated the Annexed list of sources, while EASO COI sector staff updated the relevant content in the six chapters of the guide. The COI Research Guide was reviewed by COI researchers from France and Belgium and an external organisation, the European region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA-Europe). Finally, a round of consultations with COI stakeholders gathered comments from ACCORD, ARC, UNHCR, and France.

The guide should be consulted in conjunction with EASO’s 2019 Country of Origin Information Report Methodology which provides the general framework for COI methodology and quality standards.

Download the 2021 EASO Practical Guide COI Research Guide on LGBTIQ.


Any further information may be obtained from the European Asylum Support Office on the following email address: