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News Published: 19 December 2012

EASO Support to Greece

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Following a request made by the Greek Government, in February 2011, the European Asylum Support Office agreed to support Greece with its establishment of the new Asylum Service, First Reception Service, Appeal Authority, reception in general and reduction of the backlog via the deployment of experts from the different EU member states via the so-called Asylum Support Teams.

EASO will continue its emergency activities in Greece in 2013. In line with the timeline contained in the Operating Plan, EASO activities in Greece will continue at least until April 1st, 2013. These activities will consist of tailor made and/ or on the ground support to the First Reception Service, Asylum Service and Appeals Authority in Greece as well as to the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare. Depending on the request by the Greek government, EASO can rearrange or step up its operations, according to art. 10 of the EASO Regulation.

EASO's activities reflect the recommendations emerging from the joint Fact Finding Missions led by the European Commission. EASO's work is part of the greater assistance provided by the European Union to Greece. EASO will carry out its activities in Greece in full transparency and in close cooperation with Frontex, UNHCR, the EU Task Force for Greece and other stakeholders.