
News Published: 3 March 2023

EUAA and Greece consolidate progress on asylum and reception, as phasing out of support begins

Greece - EUAA operational plan signature

Today, Executive Director of the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA), Ms. Nina GREGORI, welcomed Greek Minister of Migration and Asylum, Mr. Notis MITARACHI at the Agency’s Headquarters, to sign a second amendment of the Operational Plan for the provision of technical and operational assistance by EUAA to Greece.

The Operational Plan 2022-2024, originally signed in December 2021, was amended due to the continued low rate of arrivals in the country compared to the period prior to the pandemic, and the increased capacity of Greek authorities to process asylum applications. As a result, the EUAA and the Greek authorities have agreed on a phased exit strategy from support in the field of asylum. Under the amended Operational Plan, the Agency will continue to support the Reception and Identification Service (RIS) with inter alia the registration of applications for international protection.

- Visit of Greek Minister of Migration and Asylum, Notis Mitarachis to EUAA HQ

Moving forward, the EUAA will focus its efforts on consolidating institutional capacity in all fields of  asylum, reception, and unaccompanied minors.

The EUAA and Greek delegations also paid tribute to the lives lost as a result of Tuesday’s tragic train crash near Larissa, Greece.

You can learn more about our work in Greece and consult the updated Operational Plan.



EUAA support to Greece is the Agency’s largest and oldest operation. In 2022, more than 37 300 applications were lodged, increasing by almost one third compared to 2021. However, the number of asylum applications remained steadily above the level of new arrivals in the country, which stayed at 15 000. As a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, around 22 500 persons are registered for temporary protection in Greece, almost two thirds of whom are women.