News Published: 4 May 2022
The EUAA training officials in the context of the war in Ukraine
The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) has rapidly mobilised to offer support to Member States that are providing protection to over 5.6 million people who have left Ukraine to seek refuge in the EU. One of the areas of support is the provision of specialised training to enable national officials to rapidly build capacity to cope with the sudden influx.
The training is offered to both newly-recruited and existing asylum and reception staff. This tailored training is also available to staff of NGOs mandated by national authorities to provide support. As the set up differs widely from country to country, the training content focuses on the acquisition of practical skills which can be applied to the specific situation and tasks to be performed. The main target is information providers, registration officers and first line reception officers.
The training provision includes introductory level modules covering topics such as the legal framework and fundamental rights, as well as the identification of vulnerable persons such as children and potential victims of human trafficking. The EUAA is also deploying a range of modules and training sessions which build soft skills. These are particularly important in communicating with displaced persons and persons having experienced traumatic events, such as is the case of so many Ukrainians.
Ensuring that Ukrainians receive protection status
The EUAA is also supporting Member State authorities in the implementation of the Council Decision of 4 March 2022 granting temporary protection status to those who have escaped the war in Ukraine. As this is the first time that the Temporary Protection Directive has been activated, the EUAA is actively training national authorities and officials on its proper implementation, in order that all qualifying individuals are quickly given the protection and rights they deserve.
A brochure outlining the training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine is available here.
To find out more about EUAA Training, please visit the Training page on the EUAA website where you can also download the Training Catalogue (available in all EU languages).
Any further information may be obtained from the European Union Agency for Asylum’s Press Office at the following email address:
[1] Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/382 of 4 March 2022 establishing the existence of a mass influx of displaced persons from Ukraine within the meaning of Article 5 of Directive 2001/55/EC, and having the effect of introducing temporary protection