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News Published: 21 May 2024

EUAA welcomes Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament

EUAA welcomes Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament

The EUAA welcomed the President of the European Parliament, Roberta METSOLA, to its Headquarters in Malta on Tuesday, 21 May. Senior management briefed the President on the Agency’s ongoing preparations to support the European Commission and EU Member States with the Pact’s implementation, after which President Metsola met with EUAA staff and deployed personnel, both in-person and in an online session.

The European Union Agency for Asylum’s (EUAA) Executive Director, Nina GREGORI was pleased to welcome Roberta METSOLA, the President of the European Parliament on Tuesday. During their meeting, the Executive Director outlined the EUAA’s role in supporting the implementation of the recently-approved Pact on Migration and Asylum. She also explained the increased role the Agency has been playing over the past years in bringing about greater harmonisation in European asylum practices, as well as supporting the authorities of Member States. This includes operational support in 12 countries.

During their meeting, the Executive Director outlined the four pillars of the Agency’s approach to the implementation of the Pact, including:

  • Planning and implementing a comprehensive update to its trainings, tools, and guidance documents in line with the new legislation;
  • Helping to develop a Common Implementation Plan by supporting the European Commission in this endeavour;
  • Helping EU Member States develop national Implementation Plans, if and when requested;
  • Supporting EU Member States to operationalise their national implementation plans, if and when requested.

Ms. Gregori stressed the Agency’s commitment to supporting a harmonised and correct implementation of the Pact, over the next several years.

During her visit, President Metsola also met with hundreds of EUAA personnel, which currently include over 500 staff members and approximately 1 500 personnel deployed in its country operations. The President welcomed the invaluable work of the Agency in strengthening the Common European Asylum System, a role which the adoption of the Pact is expected to strengthen further.


Roberta Metsola was first elected to the European Parliament in 2013. She was elected to its Presidency in January 2022. She served on the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) between January 2017 and 2020 and was the Parliament's rapporteur for the European Border and Coastguard Agency (Frontex) Regulation in 2019.