News Published: 19 February 2024
Record level of training provided to EU+ countries in 2023

The EUAA has just announced the initial results of its training activities in 2023. With almost 1 000 training sessions organised, the last year has seen a record number of national asylum and reception officials, as well as civil society actors, trained in the various aspects of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS).
The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) has just published a Flash Report announcing the highlights of its training and professional development services in 2023. Last year, the Agency provided training to over 7 500 officials belonging to EU+ countries’ protection authorities, deployed EUAA personnel, and civil society actors. With training beneficiaries able to take part in multiple sessions, the participation rate reached a new record of over 13 700 participations, which represents a 6 % increase year-over-year.
EUAA training is part of the permanent support the Agency offers to Member States with implementing the rules of the Common European Asylum System. It is also a key pillar of the Operational Support that the Agency provides to Member States facing disproportionate pressure on their protection systems. Representatives of Belgium, Cyprus and the Netherlands all took part in significantly more training activities as a whole in 2023, compared to the year before.
In 2023, the Agency also rolled out seven new or upgraded modules on its training platform, addressing subjects related to the reception of asylum seekers and assessing vulnerability. Key new modules include assessing the needs of Children in the Asylum Process, as well as those of Victims of Gender-based Violence. The Agency’s training modules on vulnerability assessment are an important pillar underpinning the recently announced EUAA Strategy on Vulnerability; and its goal of disseminating necessary knowledge and skills in this area.
The EUAA’s Training and Professional Development Centre supports the practical implementation of the Common European Asylum System through harmonisation of practices and the enhancement of quality standards. This helps ensure that asylum and reception officials throughout Europe have the skills needed to ensure fast and fair procedures in line with EU standards.