Evidence assessment

Key information & description


 This module is being substantially revised in view of the New pact on migration and asylum.


 Target Audience with solid fill

Target group

Asylum officials

Pyramid with levels with solid fill

EQF/MQF level

Level 6

Presentation with bar chart with solid fill


Version 6 (2021)

Hourglass 30% with solid fill

Entry requirements

Prior qualification at EQF Level 5 or equivalent

Diploma with solid fill


Successfully passed Inclusion & Introduction to vulnerability OR at least 9 months of work experience in the asylum and reception field.

Remote learning language with solid fill


Case study



The aim of this module is to outline the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to apply the EUAA’s structured method of evidence assessment when assessing an application for international protection so that the risk of subjectivity in individual cases is reduced.
This module explores how the material facts of a case are established through gathering, examining and comparing available pieces of evidence. It outlines the theoretical aspects and the relevant legislation from a practical perspective and applies the evidence assessment methodology that builds around the three different steps of information gathering, credibility assessment and risk assessment.




  1. Describe the material facts and the pieces of evidence within an asylum claim according to EUAA structured method of evidence assessment.
  2. Describe the credibility assessment to decide whether to accept or reject each material fact within an asylum claim according to the EUAA structured method of evidence assessment.
  3. Describe the risk assessment for an asylum claim according to EUAA structured method of evidence assessment.



  4. Identify the material facts and the pieces of evidence within an asylum claim according to EUAA structured method of evidence assessment.
  5. Conduct the credibility assessment to decide whether to accept or reject each material fact within an asylum claim according to the EUAA structured method of evidence assessment.
  6. Conduct the risk assessment for an asylum claim according to EUAA structured method of evidence assessment.


  7. Carry out tasks related to conducting the credibility assessment to decide whether to accept or reject each material fact within an asylum claim according to the EUAA structured method of evidence assessment.
  8. Carry out tasks related to conducting the risk assessment for an asylum claim according to EUAA structured method of evidence assessment.


This module is delivered through a blended learning methodology (online, face-to-face and independent learning). Online learning uses learning activities that assess progress toward the learning outcomes and face-to-face sessions focus on complex elements, providing a comprehensive overview of the evidence-assessment methodology
The final assessment consists of a task where learners evaluate a case study using the EUAA's structured method for evidence assessment in international protection claims. This task accounts for 100% of the final grade and reflects real job responsibilities.
Detailed information


Accredited module

20h online learning 
2 days face-to-face
Number of ECTS
Yes, including 8hrs assessment
Module code
Language versions (Not carrying ECTS credits)
Portuguese, Slovak, Dutch, Spanish & Romanian


Training plan 2025


Training plan

Target group


Est. time for online studies

Reg. deadline


Webinar / Face to face


Learners curriculum (Accredited)
Asylum staff
30 hours
13/5 to 20/6 2025
Content module assessment
Asylum staff
13/5 to 20/6 2025