Key figures on international protection in EU+ countries 2023

The data provided to the EUAA by the EU+ countries are provisional, and therefore may differ from validated data published by Eurostat (according to Regulation (EU) 2020/851 amending Regulation (EC) 862/2007) or national authorities. Discrepancies between different data sources are possible due to timing of data extraction, dissimilar definitions, collection methodologies. The figures generated by the EUAA should be understood as giving an estimation of the current situation in as near to real time as possible.


Key first-instance indicators

By EU+ country

*Blank fields are indicative of EU+ countries not reporting on certain indicators

**Low values are rounded to the nearest 5

By country of origin


National statistics and EUAA data

Country code EU+ country Authority Disclaimer
AT Austria Federal Ministry of the Interior No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 
BE Belgium Office of the Commissioner-General for Refugees and Stateless Persons (CGRS)
  1. On the national website of the CGRS, decisions issued after the initial decision was annulled by the appeal board are included as first instance decisions (as they can be appealed again). These decisions are not included as first instance decisions by EUAA. 
  2. Applications and decisions made in the framework of resettlement are included on the website of the CGRS. 
  3. The protection rate on the website of the CGRS is a calculation based on the number of files (cases including accompanied children) and not individual persons.
  4. The official national data on applications for international protection are also published on the website of Immigration Office (International protection | IBZ) and Eurostat (where there is a separate dataset for applications in the framework of resettlement)
  5. Data provided to the EUAA are operational data provided to EUAA within short timeframes, and there might be minor differences with the final validated data. 
BG Bulgaria State Agency for Refugees No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions.
CH Switzerland State Secretariat for Migration No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 
CY Cyprus Asylum Service, Ministry of Interior No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 
CZ Czechia Ministry of Interior No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 
DE Germany Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) National and EUAA data should be aligned for all indicators, but there may be differences for some breakdowns. Relocated applicants aren't considered in national statistics. In national statistics withdrawn applications are included in otherwise closed cases ("sonstige Verfahrenserledigungen"). Some first-instance decisions that in EUAA statistics are considered as negative decisions, in national statistics are classified as otherwise closed cases.
DK Denmark

Ministry of Immigration and Integration

The Danish Return Agency

The main causes to differences between national statistics and EUAA EPS data is the group of cases included in the statistics. For example, national statistics for asylum includes both first- and final-instance determinations and both applications, determinations in appeal, reopened cases and determinations in review.
EE Estonia European Police and Border Guard Board (in Estonian only) In general, the data should not differ, there may be cases where the data is corrected afterwards. The small difference with Eurostat data is due to the fact that Eurostat rounds the data. 
ES Spain Ministry of Interior
  1. National indicators are disaggregated by sex, citizenship and age group but there are no breakdowns for first versus subsequent applications, accompanied and unaccompanied minors or to identify decisions based on Dublin closures or relocations. 
  2. The national indicator on pending cases does not contain breakdowns for the duration of pending plus it only includes applications that have passed the admission phase so national totals are likely to be lower than the EPS indicator on pending cases. 
  3. The national indicator on withdrawn applications does not have a breakdown for explicit versus implicit withdrawals.
  4. The national indicator on 1st instance decisions does not have a breakdown for the duration of procedure.
  5. There is no national indicator on otherwise closed cases.
  6. National indicators include other information beyond the scope of the EPS indicators, such as provinces and and type of locations where applicants lodged their applications and main recognition rates.
FI Finland Immigration Service No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 
FR France Ministry of Interior No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 
FR France French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 
GR Greece Asylum Service No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 
HR Croatia Ministry of Interior No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 
HU Hungary National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 
IE Ireland International Protection Office No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 
IT Italy Department of Civil Liberties and Immigration, Ministry of Interior No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 
LT Lithuania Migration Department, Ministry of Interior No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 
LU Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs National indicators do not include children born on the Luxembourgish territory during the asylum procedure of its parents, while those children are included in the EUAA statistics. Another reason for differences can be adjustments of the data that are carried out retrospectively on the provisional data provided to EUAA.
LV Latvia Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 
MT Malta International Protection Agency No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 
NL Netherlands Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 
NO Norway Directorate for Immigration (in Norwegian only)

Applications: National indicators are based on the date of making the applications. The revised numbers for 2022  count persons strictly. So if one person applied for both international protection and TPD only one is counted. The pseudo-algorithm for withdrawals are disregarded compared to other statuses. If a person have multiple TPDs only, the first one is counted. The same for multiple applications for international protection.

Decisions issued: National indicators are based on the most recent decision at first instance before the case is transferred to second/final instance. For example, if a person receives a decision of implicit withdrawal and then re-appears, and receives another decision this decision will be reported in the statistics. We use the same logic to Eurostat, but the first deicion is reports to EUAA."

PL Poland Office for Foreigners No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 
PT Portugal Immigration and Borders Service No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 

RO Romania General Inspectorate for Immigration No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 
SE Sweden Migration Agency No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 
SI Slovenia Ministry of Interior No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 
SK Slovakia Ministry of Interior No major differences are expected between national and EUAA data. If discrepancies occur, they could be the result of differences in the timing of data extraction, the scope of data definitions, collection methodologies and/or retrospective revisions. 


EU+ refers to the 27 European Union Member States, plus Norway and Switzerland.

Asylum applications include all persons who have lodged or have been included in an application for international protection as a family member in the reporting country during the reporting month.

First-time applications include all asylum applicants who have lodged (or been included in) an application for the first time in the reporting country.

Repeated applications include asylum applicants who have lodged (or been included in) a further application for international protection after a final decision has been made on a previous application in the (same) reporting country. 
This definition is broader than Eurostat's definition of subsequent applications, and the latter are a subset of repeated applications. 

First-instance decisions include all persons covered by decisions issued on grating or not granting EU-regulated international protection status (refugee or subsidiary protection) following a first time or repeated application for international protection in the first instance determination process. 

The EU+ recognition rate includes EU-regulated forms of protection (refugee status and subsidiary protection) and excludes national protection forms (humanitarian reasons). It is calculated by dividing the number of positive first instance decisions (granting refugee status or subsidiary protection) by the total number of decisions issued. 

Stock of pending cases includes all cases for which an asylum application has been lodged and are under consideration by the national authority responsible for the first instance determination of the application for international protection (until the first instance decision has been issued) at the end of the reference period (i.e. last day of the reference month). It refers to the “stock” of applications for which decisions at first instance are still pending on the last working day of the reporting period. 

Withdrawn applications include all persons covered by decisions taken in the reference period following the withdrawal of the application for international protection during the first instance determination process. An application can be withdrawn either explicitly (where the applicant informs officially the determining body of their wish to discontinue their application) or implicitly (where an applicant can no longer be located and is judged to have abandoned the procedure). 

Resettlement arrivals include all persons effectively resettled in a EU+ country. Resettlement and humanitarian admission are closely related and therefore both within the scope of the data and information collection. They involve the selection and transfer of persons in need of international protection from a third country to an EU+ country where they are permitted to reside. Relocations and transfers of persons which are already beneficiaries of international protection within the EU+ are excluded.