The EUAA supports Member States in the implementation of the Dublin III regulation through its dedicated Network of Dublin Units. Through the Network, the EUAA facilitates the exchange of practices and cooperation between the Member States, and coordinates the development of specific operational standards, indicators, collection of good practices, guidance, network recommendations.
The EUAA supports Member States in applying the existing legal provisions in a more harmonised way.
The Dublin III regulation lays down the criteria to determine which Member State is responsible for examining an application for international protection. This is a Europe-wide procedure that is applied in all Member States in a similar way, following the criteria for the determination of responsibility. There are differences in national legislation and organisational set-ups of Member States, which is why diverse national practices exist when applying the regulation. The EUAA also cooperates with eu-LISA, Frontex and other agencies to make the use of Eurodac and other Dublin related technical systems more efficient for Member States, and to improve the quality and security of the information exchanged through these systems.

To achieve further harmonisation in the processes, facilitate cooperation and exchange between Dublin Units, the Network of Dublin Units was established in 2015. The Network consists of 30 members: EU countries plus Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.
The Network of Dublin Units generates a diverse set of activities to exchange on practices, enhance cooperation and further harmonise the processes. These are done through the development of specific operational standards, indicators, collection of good practices, guidance and recommendations and exchange activities between peers.

- Recommendations on Family Reunification within the Dublin Procedure [EN]
- Recommendations on Dublin transfers [EN]
- Practical guide on the implementation of the Dublin III Regulation: personal interview and evidence assessment [EN]
- Guidance on the Dublin procedure: operational standards and indicators [EN]
HTML version available here - Practical Guide on Information Provision in the Dublin Procedure [EN]
- Recommendations on Information Exchange between Dublin Units [EN]
- Recommendations on the Operational and Technical Use of DubliNet [EN]