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Promoting the re-use of open data in the #EUdatathon2020

EASO is a partner in the fourth edition of EU Datathon, a competition organised every year by the EU Open Data Portal team to promote innovation and digital transformation opportunities through the re-use of EU open data.

Participants to the competition can now use the EASO database on IDS asylum case law, and on the major legislative changes in EU+ countries, to develop innovative applications in the context of Challenge 3 of the competition: ‘A new push for European democracy’.  The shortlisted ideas will be presented during the 18th European Week of Regions and Cities taking place in Brussels on 13-15 October 2020.

What exactly is the EU Datathon?

  • The EU Datathon is a competition organised every year to promote innovation and digital transformation opportunities by using open data produced by the EU institutions, agencies and bodies.
  • It is open worldwide to anyone who is interested in creating a profit or non-profit (social) business model through data exploration and/or in creating open data prototype products based on open and public data.
  • Participants should propose the development of an application that links and uses open datasets, of which at least one from the thousands made available by the EU.

How can I find more information?

On this dedicated page of the EU Publications Office website you can find all you need about the EU Datathon.

See also EASO's presentation during the EU Datathon 23/3 webinar available here (min 44:24).