EUAA Monitoring mechanism explained
The brochure details the key components of the monitoring mechanism for the operational and technical application of the CEAS.
Ex post evaluation report of the Austria operational plan 2022-2024
This report provides an assessment of the support provided by the Agency in the context of the Austria OP 2022-2024
Ex post evaluation report of the Slovenia operational plan 2022-2024
This report provides an assessment of the support provided by the Agency in the context of the Slovenia OP 2022-2024
Thematic Workshops Based on the EUAA Practical Guides and Tools
Catalogue of workshops delivered by the Asylum Processes Sector
This catalogue presents current workshops based on EUAA practical guides and tools that are delivered to the EUAA Asylum Support Teams and to staff of asylum administrations. Additional workshops can be organised on other topics depending on the needs identified.
Country Guidance: Iran (January 2025)
Common analysis and guidance note
This country guidance document provides an in-depth analysis of the situation in Iran, focusing on the key elements of qualification for international protection.
Training Needs Analysis Manual V.2
Manual describing the EUAA Training Needs Analysis methodology (version 2)
Praktični vodič za pružanje informacija
Pristup postupku za dobijanje azila
This practical guide aims to support EU+ officials, as well as any person or organisation, involved in the field of information provision in the context of the asylum procedure. The guide outlines basic principles for information provision and communication techniques.
Udhëzues praktik për dhënien e informacionit
Qasja në procedurën e azilit
This practical guide aims to support EU+ officials, as well as any person or organisation, involved in the field of information provision in the context of the asylum procedure. The guide outlines basic principles for information provision and communication techniques.