
Guidelines for group discussions on substance use prevention with adolescent boy applicants in reception

To be used in conjunction with the EUAA animation ‘Everywhere There is Life’

The Guidelines provide tips for reception professionals working with adolescent boy applicants on how to conduct group discussions with them about substance use prevention.


Six-monthly report to the Management Board on the status of implementation of improvement actions to address evaluation recommendations 

This report provides an overview of the status of implementation of improvement actions to address evaluation recommendations at the end of December 2024. 


MedCOI Report – Georgia: Provision of Healthcare

General report on the healthcare system and insurance provisions


Quarterly Overview of Asylum Case Law, Issue No 1/2025

A compilation of cases related to international protection which were pronounced from December 2024-February 2025.


Practical Guide on Nationality: Concepts related to nationality and statelessness in the context of international protection

This guide explains the concepts of nationality and statelessness and their implications for the assessment of the application for international protection.


Latest Asylum Trends 2024 - Annual Analysis

The LAT provides an annual overview of the asylum situation to the general public, through a dedicated webpage with analysis and data visualisations.

