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Recommendations on Dublin transfers

The recommendations provide guidance reflecting commonly agreed best practices in the field of Dublin transfers. These recommendations are intended for all staff categories that are involved in the planning, organisation and execution of Dublin transfers.


Practical Guide on Information Provision – Access to the asylum procedure

This practical guide aims to support EU+ officials providing information to applicants during access to the asylum procedure. The guide outlines basic principles for information provision and communication techniques.


Quality Matrix Synthesis Report on Personal Interview, Evidence Assessment and Qualification

The report gives an overview practices of EU+ countries’ asylum administrations related to the personal interview, evidence assessment and qualification, focusing on overall trends.


Практическо ръководство относно политическото мнение

на настоящото практическо ръководство е да предостави на служителите, работещи по случаи, рамка за разглеждане на молби за международна закрила, подадени на основанието „политическо мнение“.


Guide pratique relatif aux opinions politiques

Le présent guide pratique vise à fournir aux agents chargés des dossiers un cadre pour l’examen des demandes de protection internationale fondées sur des opinions politiques.


Praxisleitfäden für politische Überzeugung

Ziel dieses Praxisleitfadens, Entscheidern einen Rahmenprogramm zu geben, mit dem sie Anträge auf internationalen Schutz auf Grundlage politischer Überzeugung untersuchen können.


Guida pratica sull’opinione politica

This practical guide aims to provide case officers with a framework for the examination of applications for international protection based on political opinion.
