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Praktinis vidaus apsaugos alternatyvos taikymo vadovas

This practical tool aims at providing guidance to case officers and decision makers on the internal protection alternative (IPA) and its application.


Praktiskā rokasgrāmata par iekšējās aizsardzības alternatīvas piemērošanu

This practical tool aims at providing guidance to case officers and decision makers on the internal protection alternative (IPA) and its application.


Guida pratica all’applicazione dell’alternativa di protezione interna

This practical tool aims at providing guidance to case officers and decision makers on the internal protection alternative (IPA) and its application.


Guide pratique de l’EASO sur l’application de l’alternative de protection à l’intérieur du pays

This practical tool aims at providing guidance to case officers and decision makers on the internal protection alternative (IPA) and its application.


Practical guide on the internal protection alternative

This practical tool aims at providing guidance to case officers and decision makers on the internal protection alternative (IPA) and its application.


Πρακτικός οδηγός για την εφαρμογή της εναλλακτικής δυνατότητας εγχώριας προστασίας

This practical tool aims at providing guidance to case officers and decision makers on the internal protection alternative (IPA) and its application.


Praxisleitfaden für die Annahme internen Schutzes

This practical tool aims at providing guidance to case officers and decision makers on the internal protection alternative (IPA) and its application.


Guía práctica de la EASO acerca del uso de la información sobre el país de origen

por parte de los funcionarios encargados de los casos para examinar las solicitudes de asilo

This practical tool provides guidance to case officers on the practical use of country of origin information (COI) at different stages of the asylum procedure when preparing and conducting the personal interview and when carrying out the credibility assessment and the risk assessment of the appli
