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Guidance on Vulnerability in Asylum and Reception

Operational standards and indicators

These operational standards and indicators support Member States in the implementation of key provisions of the CEAS, addressing issues related to applicants in a situation of vulnerability in asylum and reception.


Practical Tool for Guardians — Transnational procedures in the framework of international protection

This booklet is a guide for guardians of unaccompanied children specifically focusing on transnational procedures in the framework of international protection.


EUAA Strategy on Vulnerability

The purpose of the EUAA Strategy on Vulnerability is to define the overarching framework within which the EUAA will develop its work related to vulnerability in supporting EU Member States and associated countries (EU+ countries).


Practical Tool for Guardians – The asylum procedure

A tool to support guardians assigned to children in their daily tasks and responsibilities throughout the asylum procedure.


Practical Tool for Guardians – Introduction to international protection

This tool introduces newly-appointed guardians to the concept of international protection, possible forms of protection recognised through the asylum procedure, the relevant legal framework and the rights of the child in the procedure.


Professionals working in reception centres in Europe: an overview of drug-related challenges and support needs

Joint Report by EMCDDA and EUAA

This report traces the needs and challenges faced by reception authorities in EU+ countries when working with applicants for IP who experience substance use related problems.


The EUAA Animation on Psychological First Aid as an Awareness Raising Tool

Instructions for professionals on how to use the animation to educate on the concept of PFA

These instructions support psychological first aid (PFA) providers in creating awareness on the concept of PFA in first line officers interested in the topic, new recruits and volunteers using the EUAA animation on PFA.


Rolling Out Psychoeducational Material on Psychological Distress to Parents and Children

Instructions for First Line Officers Working in Reception

These instructions support first line officers in rolling out the pocket books:
