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Lista di controllo per la realizzazione di missioni di selezione

This tool is a checklist that contains a collection of key elements/activities to consider throughout the process ofa resettlement selection mission. 


Checklist voor de uitvoering van selectiemissies

This tool is a checklist that contains a collection of key elements/activities to consider throughout the process ofa resettlement selection mission. 


Sjekkliste for gjennomføring av kommisjonsreiser

This tool is a checklist that contains a collection of key elements/activities to consider throughout the process ofa resettlement selection mission. 


Listă de verificare pentru implementarea misiunilor de selectare

This tool is a checklist that contains a collection of key elements/activities to consider throughout the process ofa resettlement selection mission. 


Kontrolni seznam za izvajanje izbirnih misij

This tool is a checklist that contains a collection of key elements/activities to consider throughout the process ofa resettlement selection mission. 


Бележка с насоки за подготвителни инструктажи за бежанци

This document provides a template that can be used in briefings with refugees prior to the selection interview.


Navodila za pripravljalne informativne sestanke z begunci

This document provides a template that can be used in briefings with refugees prior to the selection interview.


Nota de orientare pentru briefingurile pregătitoare pentru refugiați

This document provides a template that can be used in briefings with refugees prior to the selection interview.
