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Guía práctica sobre las entrevistas a los solicitantes de asilo por motivos religiosos

This practical guide aims to help case officers conduct fairer and more efficient interviews in view of the complexity and challenges posed by religion-based asylum claims.


EUAA Asylum and reception operational response catalogue

The Catalogue provides a list of operational support interventions offered by EUAA


Outil pratique à l’attention des tuteurs

La protection temporaire des enfants non accompagnés fuyant l’Ukraine

This tool focuses on temporary protection. It aims at assisting guardians appointed by Member States in supporting displaced children from Ukraine when registering for the temporary protection and exercising their rights.


Практичний інструмент для опікунів

Тимчасовий захист для дітей без супроводу, які тікають з України

This tool focuses on temporary protection. It aims at assisting guardians appointed by Member States in supporting displaced children from Ukraine when registering for the temporary protection and exercising their rights.


Praktická pomôcka pre opatrovníkov

Dočasná ochrana pre maloleté osoby bez sprievodu utekajúce z Ukrajiny

This tool focuses on temporary protection. It aims at assisting guardians appointed by Member States in supporting displaced children from Ukraine when registering for the temporary protection and exercising their rights.


Ghid practic pentru tutori

Protecția temporară a minorilor neînsoțiți care fug din Ucraina

This tool focuses on temporary protection. It aims at assisting guardians appointed by Member States in supporting displaced children from Ukraine when registering for the temporary protection and exercising their rights.


Przewodnik praktyczny dla opiekunów

Tymczasowa ochrona małoletnich bez opieki uciekających z Ukrainy

This tool focuses on temporary protection. It aims at assisting guardians appointed by Member States in supporting displaced children from Ukraine when registering for the temporary protection and exercising their rights.


Praktisch instrument voor voogden

Tijdelijke bescherming voor niet-begeleide kinderen die Oekraïne ontvluchten

This tool focuses on temporary protection. It aims at assisting guardians appointed by Member States in supporting displaced children from Ukraine when registering for the temporary protection and exercising their rights.
